Schedule Run History Report

Report source: DW (Data Warehouse)

Report refresh rate: 10 seconds

The Schedule Run History report displays a historical breakdown of the reports and Studio scripts that are scheduled to run automatically.

This report is primarily for troubleshooting purposes. When you first set up the script schedule, this report enables you to see if the script is running as intended. If the script is not running, or if something in the script is not processing correctly, then this report will show you the errors that the script is throwing.

Scripts Tab

The Scripts tab displays a historical breakdown of the Studio scripts that are scheduled to run automatically. The Scripts tab has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Name Name given to the schedule.
Script Name of the script that runs during the selected schedule.
Start Date and time the script starts running.
End Date and time the script is finished running.
Error Errors (if any) that occurred when the script ran.