To use the standard login, enter your credentials and click Log In.

To log in with SSO, go to the login page and click Company Login.

To log in with MFA:

  1. Enter your credentials.

  2. If the field appears, enter your current MFA Token.
  3. Click Log in.
  4. If you did not see the MFA Token field before logging in but do now, enter your current MFA token.
  5. If the platform opens to your user account with a notification that says "Please Configure MFA Secret," do the following:

    1. Click Edit.
    2. Enter your MFA secret one of the following ways:

      • Click Generate in the MFA Secret field and take note of the generated secret. Enter the secret into the MFA application in your device.
      • Type an MFA secret from the MFA application on your device into the MFA Secret field.

    3. Click Done.

    You must use the MFA application on your device to enter the MFA key each time you log in.