
Allows for more intelligent message playback of messages during agentlessClosed Contacts made without a live agent for tasks such as one-way delivery of information or messages..Personal Connection interactions. The action contains advanced functionality in regards to CPA settings and the timing of message laydown.

Audio files must be uncompressed WAV files with the following properties:

  • Bit rate: 64 kbps
  • Audio sample size: 8 bit
  • Channels: 1 (mono)
  • Audio sample rate: 8 kHz
  • Audio format: CCITT μ-Law

Supported Script Types

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.


Input Properties

These properties define data that the action uses when executing.




Enter a short phrase that uniquely identifies this action in the script. The caption appears on the script canvas under the action icon. The default is the action name.


Define the prompt that the action plays. A prompt can be a prerecorded WAV audio file or text-to-speechClosed Allows users to enter recorded prompts as text and use a computer-generated voice to speak the content. (TTS).

If the prompt is an audio file, enter the file name enclosed in double quotes. For example, "greeting.wav". If the audio file is located in a different folder, include the path to the file. For example, if the script is in the root folder and the audio file is in a subfolder two levels down, enter "Subfolder\Subfolder2\Audio-file.wav". If the script is in a subfolder one level down from the root and the audio file is in a different subfolder on the same level, enter "\..\Subfolder\Audio-file.wav".

If the prompt is text-to-speech, enter the text you want the TTSClosed Allows users to enter recorded prompts as text and use a computer-generated voice to speak the content. service to read. Each segment must be enclosed in double quotes and include a string reference character to identify the type of information it is. For example: 

"%Your account balance is" "silence.wav"  "${accountBalance}"

For more information about formatting prompts in this property, including the string reference prefix characters to use, see the Prompts page. Some actions with the Sequence property have access to the sequence editor, which is a graphical interface you can use to create prompts. This action doesn't access this editor. However you can use the sequence editor from an action that supports it, such as . Add to your script and create your prompt sequence. Paste the sequence text from the Sequence field in into this action and then delete .


When a contact presses a key on their telephone keypad, the generated DTMF tone is stored in a buffer. When ClearDigits is set to True, that buffer is cleared at the beginning of this action. If set to False and DTMF tones are carried over to this action in the buffer, the DTMF tones are detected immediately. The action then invokes the OnDigit or OnDTMF branch, even if the key press was associated with an earlier action.

Yes/True is the default value.


Determines whether the action processes DTMFClosed Signaling tones that are generated when a user presses or taps a key on their telephone keypad. tones. If enabled, the action processes DTMF tones when a contact presses a key on their phone and the OnDigit or OnDTMF branch of the script is triggered. If disabled, the action ignores DTMF tones. For example, you might play a message at the point a contact is placed in queue which says, "An agent will be with you shortly. To leave the queue at any time, press the star key". The OnDigit or OnDTMF branch might then offer the contact the option to leave a voicemail message. Set to True to enable or False to disable.

This property does not capture DTMF tones. If you need to evaluate an entered tone, use a Capture action after this action to assign the tone to a variable. You can then evaluate the variable's value to determine which tone was entered.

You can use a variable for this property.


If CPA detects the beginning of an utterance, the CPA immediately stops the play and, depending on this setting, returns or says, "I heard an utterance" (begin) or, "I've stopped the play but wait until the utterance is over based on pre-determined silence" or, "I heard a beep". Values: Message Begin or Message End. Default: Message End.


The number of seconds in which an answering machine greeting will continue to play without the system classifying the call as an answering machine. If the machine greeting exceeds this length of time, the phone number that was dialed may have reached an IVRClosed Automated phone menu that allows callers to interact through voice commands, key inputs, or both, to obtain information, route an inbound voice call, or both. system. Values: 5.0 - 60.0 seconds. Default: 20.


If the sequence property does not contain a value, run CPA detection for this period of time. Returns default branch if answering machine or voice is not detected. Values: 10 - 300. seconds. Default: 60.

Phrase Use this property to document the text the prompt contains. This property is not used by the script. Because some prompts can be complex and contain multiple segments, it can be helpful to include the text written without the formatting required by the Sequence field.

Properties: CPA Advanced




The number of seconds that the system attempts to detect voice energy on the line to be classified as an utterance from the customer. The value for this setting should be long enough to ignore static or clicks and short enough to catch actual speech utterances. Values: 0.1 – 0.5 seconds. Default: 0.2.


The minimum duration of silence required to detect the end of an utterance. Values: 0.1 - 5.0 seconds. Default: 0.3.


When conversation detection is not possible, this controls the pause detection accuracy and defines the number of seconds of silence after speech utterance is detected to be counted as a 'pause' and trigger the definition of a 'live' call. Ensure this is long enough to ignore a phrasing pause on answering machine messages and short enough to catch the gap between repeated "Hello?" greetings. Values: 0.5 – 2.0 seconds. Default: 1.1.


The minimum duration of time which a live customer must speak after answering the phone. This duration attempts to strike a balance so that live calls answered like, “Thank you for calling [XYZ] Incorporated. How may I direct your call,” would stay with an agent and short answering machine greetings such as “This is Odin; leave a message,” are still classified as answering machines. You might need to adjust this according to the demographics of the list you are calling. Values: 2.0 –10.0 seconds. Default: 3.


The duration of silence the system waits once the answering machine greeting has finished taking X branch and started to play a message. If the system detects a beep, the action takes the X branch so that a message can be played immediately. Values: 1.0 – 5.0 seconds. Default: 1.


Defines which media server logs to initiate. Set only if instructed to by CXone. Values: None, Voice, Tone, or All. Default: None.


Defines the customer volume level for detection of the customer's voice versus background noise. Values: 100 – 100000 units (similar to decibels). Default: 16000.

Result Branch Conditions

Result branch conditions allow you to create branches in your script to handle different outcomes when an action executes.




Path taken when the action fails to execute properly. For example, when there is an unexpected problem such as poor connectivity, syntax errors, and so on. The _ERR variable, with a single underscore character, should be populated with a condensed explanation of the problem.
OnMachine Path taken if an answering machine picks up the call.
OnVoice Path taken when a recording reaches the SecondstoPlay.
OnDigit Path taken if DTMF detection is set to True and the contact presses a key during the action.
OnBeep Path taken when a beep is detected.
OnTimeout Path taken if there is no response for the number of seconds specified.