Agent Unavailable Time Report

Report source: DW (Data Warehouse)

Report refresh rate: 10 seconds

The Agent Unavailable Time report shows the amount of time each agent spent in each unavailable code.

Each of these codes fits into a Code Type such as Unavailable, System, or ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction (after contact work). System code types are hard-coded by the platform and cannot be changed. Any other code types are configurable. For example, you could create "Break" as a code and assign the code type to Unavailable. By default, the system considers refused time to be Unavailable.

To change the data displayed in the report, click the arrow to the right of the date drop-down box, select a different date, and then click Run Report. The data in the report will automatically refresh.

Supervisors and administrators can use this report to check if any agents are spending more time than necessary in an unavailable stateClosed The availability status of an agent .

Data in this Report

The Agent Unavailable Time report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Agent Name (ID) Agent name and unique ID assigned to them by the system.
Code The agent's state.
Code Type General grouping type for associated unavailable states.
Duration The amount of time that the agent has been in a state. Displays time in HH:MM:SS.
Percent The percent of time the agent was in each state.