Abandon Rate Compliance Report

Required permissions: Abandon Rate Compliance View
Report source: DW (Data Warehouse)
Report refresh rate: 5 minutes
Use the Abandon Rate Compliance report to control the number of abandoned call Call that enters the contact center system, but the caller ends the call before reaching an agent calls created on skills
Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. The Abandon Rate control engages after 50% of the specified abandon rate percentage is reached. The system manages the pacing aggressiveness so it does not exceed the specified value. The default value is 3.0%. The user can specify values to the first decimal place.
This report is valuable because controlling your abandon rates can help you avoid both client complaints and fines from regulatory agencies.
The Abandon Rate Compliance report includes data across your whole system. The system increases aggressiveness to come within 0.2% of the specified value. The Abandon Rate will be calculated on all live calls that were delivered to an agent within the same calendar day. This does not include calls that agents marked as answering machines. The Abandon Rate is calculated based on the Total Number of Abandon Calls divided by the Total Number of Live Calls ( Handled Calls – Agent-Identified Answer Machine Calls + Abandoned Calls).