Contacts w/Disposition Notes Report

Required permissions: Data Download View

The Contacts with Disposition Notes data download report displays a list of all contacts who entered the system in the specified time period, including the contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact, master contact IDClosed The master or parent ID for one or more related contacts. A new master contact ID will be assigned if a contact has been transferred 3 or more times., the date and time the contact entered the system, the agent and team that handled the contact, the dispositionClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. set, and any disposition notes the agent wrote.

An example of the Contacts with Dispoition Notes data download report output.

Select Report Option

You need to configure a Date Range, Start/End Time, and Export Format when you run a data download report.



The unique, system-generated ID of the contact.


The unique, system-generated ID of the master or parent of the contact interaction. The master contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact can be parent to many contact IDs. A new master contact ID will be assigned if a contact has been transferred two or more times.

There is a parent child relationship on all contacts that are created from the original contact. The masterId of the contact is the parent that created it, meaning for subsequent transfers from the original contact, the masterId will be the transferred contact that created it.


The date within the specified time period on which the contact entered the system or had valid activity. It has a format of MM/DD/YYYY.


The unique, system-generated ID of the agent who handled the interaction. If more than one agent handled the contact, it is the ID of the last agent to handle the contact.


The first and last name of the agent who handled the interaction as displayed in the agent's CXone user profile. If more than one agent handled the interaction, it is the name of the last agent who handled the interaction.


The unique, system-generated ID of the team the agent who handled the contact belongs to.


The name of the team the agent who handled the contact belongs to.


The unique ID associated with the dispositionClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. assigned to the contact. For a list of system disposition codes and their associated dispositions, see System Disposition Values.


The name of the dispositionClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. assigned to the contact.


Comments the agent entered about the contact as part of setting the dispositionClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction..