Turn Insights Into Action

A workspaceClosed Named view of one or more widgets. is most valuable when the insights you make drive change. Observe the following considerations as you use Interaction Analytics:

Measure and Track Progress

  • Run the Analytics Metric Statistics report often to view your progress. You may want to do this at the beginning of each month. To track improvement, you may want to use a chart or graph to look at specific changes in metrics or trends.

  • Focus on your highest performing agents. Identify wording, procedures, and techniques that make them successful. Use those insights to inform how you train other agents.
  • Consider the effects of timing. Look for patterns that may occur on the same day of the week or time of year. For example, negative sentiment may be higher on weekends if wait times are higher. So, you might address that issue by having more agents available on weekends. Or positive sentiment may be higher after agents experience quarterly performance reviews. So, you may want to begin having evaluations or trainings more often to keep agents motivated and informed.

Tie Insights to Business Goals and Strategies

Your analytics team should align around clear goals and objectives for data insights and recommended changes for improvement. Document your team's discussion and finalize a plan to promote accountability for necessary changes. Start by discussing:

  • Why use this workspace guide now?

  • What do you hope to accomplish using this guide?

  • What’s the business value of using these tools in IA?

The roles and responsibilities of your analytics teams will likely include the following:



Catalyst Sets goals for improvement. Accountable for results. Connects insights and change makers.
Data Analyst Day-to-day users who use Interaction Analytics the most to produce data insights. 
Change Makers Business and operational leaders who consume insights, implement change, and are responsible for results. Typically leaders at a director level or above in functional areas like Operations, Customer Experience, IT, and Product.
IT Partners with analytics to ensure tools & processes work. Can be "change makers", responsible for results.

Share Insights

What’s most important is to deliver reports to the people who have power to effect change. Talk to those accountable for the behavior or process that requires improvement and work with them to build a plan for action. You'll want to communicate with two groups of people:

  • People you want to implement changes. This may require reaching outside the analytics team. For example, if a particular team of agents shows low sentiment, you may want to meet with the team supervisor.

  • People in leadership roles who approve organizational goals and strategy. They can help remove obstacles and make sure everyone is united on objectives.

To communicate effectively, develop a repeatable meeting agenda and email template appropriate for each audience. You can use this pattern to share key information: Share observation > Draw a conclusion > Recommend Change. Share insights and screen captures from IA to support your findings and suggestions.

We recommend running reports one day after the final day of the period you want to analyze. For example, you might want to run a report on the first of June to capture all interactions for the month of May.

It’s helpful to export the report data regularly because IA stores 90 days of data in the tool.

The insights for each new reporting period should build on the prior period.