CT Active Forecast Export Module


Category: CT-related

Export file type: Pipe-delimited (|)

File Naming Convention: ctActiveForecast_mmddyy_hhmm.txt

The output file contains one record per CT for each statistics period of each date specified. The export does not consider CT hours. The export can be run for past, current, or future dates, but includes only active forecast data.

If you specify a date range for the export, and there is no data for a date within the range, that date is omitted from the output file.

This export doesn't differentiate between duplicate periods that occur on the Daylight Saving Time (DST) date. When there are multiple entries for the same period on a DST date, it doesn't show which of them occurred first.

Output File: Fields and Descriptions

During your Professional Services engagement, you can choose which of the following fields to include in your export. Make sure you include every field you think you might need; you'll need a change request if you want to add fields after the export is configured. If you don't select specific fields, your export will include all the fields described here.

Field Description Values

Date based on the TZ.

If a date format is specified in the dateFormat attribute of the exportList element, the export uses that format. Otherwise, dates are formatted as mmddyyyy.


Start time of the period, based on the TZ.

If a time format is specified in the timeFormat attribute of the exportList element, the export uses that format. Otherwise, 24-hour time is used.


Time zone for the CT.


Customer ID


ID for the enterprise group (EG) the CT belongs to.

If the CT does not belong to an EG, this field is blank.

Name associated with the saGroupID.

If the CT does not belong to an EG, this field is blank

ID of the skill scheduling group the CT belongs to.

This field is blank.

Name associated with the ssGroupID.


This field is blank.


This field is blank.


Name associated with the buID.

This field is blank.


ID of the CT.

ctName Name associated with the ctID.  

ID of the CXone ACD or multimedia server for the CT.


Last date and time the record was modified, formatted as a UNIX timestamp.

For current and future dates, this is the forecast record. For past dates, it's the result record.



Revised number of contacts forecast to be received for the period.

Formatted to 2 decimal places.

fcstContactsHandled Revised number of contacts forecast to be handled for the period.

Formatted to 2 decimal places.

Only populated for workload-based (multimedia) CTs.

fcstAHT Revised forecasted average handle time (AHT) for the period, in seconds.

Formatted to 2 decimal places.


Forecasted service level percentage for the period.

This field is calculated at the time the export is run. You can find more information about these calculations in the help guides for the IEX WFM Rich Client Platform (RCP).

Value range and format: 0–100.

Blank for workload-based (multimedia) CTs.

slPctObj Service level percent objective for the period. Value range and format: 0.00–100.00.
slTime Service level time objective for the period, in seconds.  

Forecasted occupancy for the period.

This field is calculated at the time the export is run. You can find more information about these calculations in the help guides for the IEX WFM Rich Client Platform (RCP).

Value range and format: 0.00–100.00.
maxOcc Maximum occupancy objective for the period. Value range and format: 0.00–100.00.

Forecasted average speed of answer (ASA) for the period.

This field is calculated at the time the export is run. You can find more information about these calculations in the help guides for the IEX WFM Rich Client Platform (RCP).

Blank for workload-based (multimedia) CTs. Shows no decimal places. Exported value is limited to 9999, even if forecasted value is greater.
asaObj ASA objective for the period.

Formatted to 2 decimal places.


Revised forecast requirement for the period.

This field is calculated at the time the export is run. You can find more information about these calculations in the help guides for the IEX WFM Rich Client Platform (RCP).

Formatted to 2 decimal places.

Value represents requirements which meet or exceed all three forecast objectives: service level, ASA, and maximum occupancy.

Includes adjustments for:

  • Multi-skill efficiency

Revised plan requirement for the period.

This field is calculated at the time the export is run. You can find more information about these calculations in the help guides for the IEX WFM Rich Client Platform (RCP).

This is the same as fcstReq.

Copied requirements for the period.

This field is calculated at the time the export is run. You can find more information about these calculations in the help guides for the IEX WFM Rich Client Platform (RCP).

Formatted to 2 decimal places.


Number of agents scheduled to be open for the CT for the period. Sum of all open values from MUSchedOpen and MUExternalOpen.

MUSchedOpen periods are 15-minutes. If the statistics period is 30 minutes, MUSchedOpen values for those two 15-minute periods are averaged for each record included in the sum.

This field is calculated at the time the export is run. You can find more information about these calculations in the help guides for the IEX WFM Rich Client Platform (RCP).


Output File: Sample

The following shows a sample file generated for a customer, based on their custom parameters. It also shows the data values rather than field names. It's meant only to give you an idea of what your export might look like.

#fields:date|period|TZ|custID|saGroupID|saGroupName|ssGroupID|ssGroupName|buID|buName|ctID|ctName|acdID|modify| fcstContactsReceived|fcstContactsHandled|fcstAHT|fcstSLPct|slPctObj|slTime|fcstOcc|maxOcc|fcstsASA|asaObj|fcstReq| revPlanReq|commitPlanReq|schedOpen
#sort:date,period,TZ,custID,saGroupID,saGroupName,ssGroupID,ssGroupName,buID,buName,ctID,ctName,acdID,modify, fcstContactsReceived,fcstContactsHandled,fcstAHT,fcstSLPct,slPctObj,slTime,fcstOcc,fcstReq,revPlanReq,commitPlanReq, schedOpen
05052021|00:00|CST6CDT|1|20|SAGrp 20|25|SSGrp 25|27|BU 27|28|CT28|12|1047802660|100.00|88.00|300.00|80|80.00|20|88|80.00|12.90|13.00|20.00|20.00|18.00|17.00
05052021|00:15|CST6CDT|1|20|SAGrp 20|25|SSGrp 25|27|BU 27|28|CT28|12|1047802660|113.00|91.00|304.00|82|80.00|20|87|80.00|12.90|13.00|21.00|21.00|19.00|17.00
05052021|00:30|CST6CDT|1|20|SAGrp 20|25|SSGrp 25|27|BU 27|28|CT28|12|1047802660|92.00|80.00|297.00|86|80.00|20|85|80.00|12.90|13.00|18.00|18.00|18.00|17.00
05052021|00:45|CST6CDT|1|20|SAGrp 20|25|SSGrp 25|27|BU 27|28|CT28|12|1047802660|101.00|88.00|280.00|90|80.00|20|85|80.00|12.90|13.00|21.00|21.00|18.00|17.00