Agent Results Detail
API Specification
Description | Creates a task for workmanager to execute exportEngine for Agent Results Detail exporter. |
Authentication Required | Yes |
URL | https://<domain or IP>/SMARTSync/services/rs/exporters/v1/agent-results-detail |
Method | POST |
Request Headers | Cookie: JSESSIONID={jsessionId} Content-Type: application/json |
Request Params | (See below) |
API Specification: Request Params
startDate - String, format: YYYY-MM-YY Required: true. Notes: cannot be after the endDate. |
endDate - String, format: YYYY-MM-YY Required: true. Notes: cannot be before the startDate. |
outputFormat - String, supported formats: PIPE, JSON Required: for PIPE -required, for JSON - optional. Notes: is not case sensitive. |
dateFormat - String, possible values: mmddyy, ddmmyy, mmddyyyy, ddmmyyyy, yyyymmdd, yyyyddmm, yyddmm, yymmdd. If the fields were not provided and outputFormat is set to JSON, all date fields will be converted to ISO date format. Required: Only for PIPEoutputFormat. Notes: is not case sensitive. Determines format of output dates. |
timeFormat - String, possible values: 12, 24. Determines format of output times. Required: true. Notes: is not case sensitive. |
muIds - Array of integers. Should be one or more IDs user has permission to use. Required: true. Notes: is not case sensitive. |
keepEmptyJsonFields - Boolean field. Required: false. Notes: This field can only be set if outputFormat is set to JSON. By default it is false. If it is set to true, the JSON output will contain empty values ({},[],"") for fields. |
excludePipeHeader - Boolean field. Required: false. Notes: This field can only be set if outputFormat is PIPE. By default it is false. If it is set to true, headers will be excluded from PIPE output. |
fields - Array of objects. Represents the list of the supported field names, fields with attribute values, and fields with specified value. All field names, attributes and values are not case sensitive. Required: false. Possible values: Simple fields when outputFormat is PIPE: {"name":"date"}, {"name":"period"}, {"name":"TZ"}, {"name":"custID"}, {"name":"muID"}, {"name":"tvID"}, {"name":"acdID"}, {"name":"logonID"}, {"name":"ssn"}, {"name":"agentName"}, {"name":"modify"}, {"name":"queueID"}, {"name":"queueName"}, {"name":"contactsHandled"}, {"name":"outContacts"}, {"name":"logonTime"}, {"name":"talkTime"}, {"name":"workTime"}, {"name":"outTime"}, {"name":"externalID"}, {"name":"holdTime"}, {"name":"readyTime"}, {"name":"notReadyTime"}, {"name":"dnContacts"}, {"name":"dnContactTime"}, {"name":"internalContacts"}, {"name":"internalContactTime"} Simple fields when outputFormat is JSON: {"name":"date"}, {"name":"period"}, {"name":"TZ"}, {"name":"custID"}, {"name":"muID"}, {"name":"tvID"}, {"name":"acdID"}, {"name":"logonID"}, {"name":"personalID"}, {"name":"agentName"}, {"name":"modify"}, {"name":"queueID"}, {"name":"queueName"}, {"name":"contactsHandled"}, {"name":"outContacts"}, {"name":"logonTime"}, {"name":"talkTime"}, {"name":"workTime"}, {"name":"outTime"}, {"name":"externalID"}, {"name":"holdTime"}, {"name":"readyTime"}, {"name":"notReadyTime"}, {"name":"dnContacts"}, {"name":"dnContactTime"}, {"name":"internalContacts"}, {"name":"internalContactTime"} Note:
sortOrder - Array of objects. Represents the list of the supported field names, fields with attribute values, and fields with specified value. All field names, attributes, and values are not case sensitive. Required: false. Possible values: the same values as for fields. |
API Specification (cont)
Response Data |
Response has a unique JobId: jobId is a 32 length string. Example {
Headers |
Content-Type: application/json |
Response |
Code: 200 OK Content : [Response Data] |
Response |
Code: 401 Unauthorized Error message: {
Code: 400 Bad Request
All fields are invalid:
"message":"One or more request validations failed",
"details": [
"Invalid field: 'keepEmptyJsonFields'",
"Invalid field: 'excludePipeHeader'",
"Invalid outputFormat value: 'XML'",
"Invalid dateFormat value: 'ddmmcyyyy'",
"Invalid timeFormat value: '1c2'",
"startDate must match the provided yyyy-MM-dd format",
"endDate must match the provided yyyy-MM-dd format",
"Insufficient permissions to view entities 'MU -1'",
"Invalid entity: 'MU 1234567'",
"Invalid values within fields element: wrongField2,wrongField1"
Start date>end date
"message":"One or more request validations failed",
"details": [
"endDate must be either equal to or after the startDate"
Code: 500 Internal server error
Sample Call for PIPE outputFormat |
https://localhost/SMARTSync/services/rs/exporters/v1/agent-results-detail request body(request for all fields):
request body(request for specific fields): {
"fields":[{"name":"custID"}, {"name":"TZ"}],
"sortOrder":[{"name":"custID"}, {"name":"TZ"}]
Sample Call for JSON outputFormat |
https://localhost/SMARTSync/services/rs/exporters/v1/agent-results-detail request body(request for all fields):
request body(request for specific fields):
500 ], "fields":[{"name":"custID"}, {"name":"TZ"}],
"sortOrder":[{"name":"custID"}, {"name":"TZ"}]
Output Field Descriptions
This export runs for each MU specified in the muIds list.
If the export runs for multiple MUs, all the data is saved in the same output file.
For each date in the range specified, the Activity data is read for each agent that belongs to the MU being processed for the date being processed.
Agent data group values assigned to the agent for the date being processed are exported. Agent data group values are stored by date range and are not dependent on the agent’s MU assignment.
Note: Since R7.x increased the name lengths allowed for some entities, and the agent results data is stored by interval, the memory required to store the agent results detail data increased. Running this exporter for large date ranges may cause the CPU to run out of memory for the storage needed for processing and sorting the agent results detail records. If this happens, you should run the exporter for a shorter date range or fewer MUs.
This export uses the MU time zone setting. The export does not differentiate between the duplicate periods that occur on the Daylight Saving Time (DST) date. It does not show which of the duplicate periods occurred first on a DST date with multiple entries for the same period.
The Agent Results Detail output can include these fields:
Field |
Description |
Values |
date |
The date, based on the MU’s time zone. The format of the date is specified in the dateFormat parameter. If no dateFormat is provided, then the format defaults to mmddyyyy if the outputFormat is PIPE. If the outputFormat is JSON, then dates default to ISO 8601 format. If the outputFormat is XML, the format is always a fixed XML structure. |
period |
The start time of the period, based on the MU’s time zone. The format of this time is specified in the timeFormat attribute. If no timeFormat attribute exists, 24-hour format is used for the times. |
TZ |
The MU’s time zone. |
custID |
The customer ID. |
muID |
The ID of the MU. |
tvID |
The agent’s WFM ID. |
acdID |
The ID of the ACD or multimedia server for which data are being exported. |
logonID |
The agent’s logon ID for the ACD or multimedia server being exported. |
It is possible for this field to be blank. |
ssn |
The agent’s personal ID number. For JSON output, personalId is used instead
This field is blank if no personal ID number is assigned to the agent. |
agentData |
This multi-value field exports the value(s) assigned to the agent for each agent data group specified in the "value" attribute of the agentData field. You can include as many agentData elements as you want; one agent data group is printed in the output file for each agentData value defined. You can specify the same agent data group more than once. If you do not include an agentData element, this field is omitted. |
This field may be blank if the agent is not assigned a value for the specified agent data group for the date being processed. |
agentName |
The agent’s name, formatted as <last>, <first><suffix>. |
modify |
The record’s modify timestamp. |
queueID |
The ID of the queue or skill for which data are being exported. Records are included for each queue or skill for which the agent has data. |
queueName |
The name of the queue or the skill. |
contactsHandled |
The total number of contacts the agent handled for the queue or skill on the date being processed. |
outContacts |
The total number of outbound contacts the agent handled for the queue or skill on the date being processed. System level data such as outContacts are included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
logonTime |
The total amount of logon time, in seconds, associated with the queue or skill for the date. System level data such as logonTime is included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
talkTime |
The agent’s total talk time, in seconds, for the queue or skill for the date. |
workTime |
The agent’s total work time, in seconds, for the queue or skill for the date. |
outTime |
The agent’s total outbound talk time, in seconds, for the queue or skill for the date. System level data such as outTime is included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
externalID |
The ID the agent uses to log in to Agent WebStation, if the WebStation is configured to use external IDs. |
If the agent’s externalID field is blank, this field is blank. |
holdTime |
The agent’s hold time, in seconds, for the queue for the date. |
The value in this field is an actual value from the ACD or multimedia server database. Note: If the value is not present or appropriate, you may contact NICE WFM Support to determine if your ACD or multimedia server is capable of providing the value directly from the ACD or multimedia server database. Professional service fees may apply to modify the ACD or multimedia server integration and interface. |
readyTime |
The agent’s ready or available time, in seconds, for the date. System level data such as readyTime is included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
notReadyTime |
The agent’s idle, AUX or not ready time (in seconds) for the date. System level data such as notReadyTime is included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
The value in this field is one of these:
Note: If the derived value is not appropriate, you may contact NICE WFM Support to determine if your ACD or multimedia server is capable of providing the value directly from the ACD or multimedia server database. Professional service fees may apply to modify the ACD or multimedia server integration and interface. |
dnContacts |
The number of direct dialed contacts the agent handled on the date. A direct dialed contact occurs when the caller dials the actual extension of a specific agent and is not queued to a group of agents. System level data such as dnContacts are included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
The value in this field is one of these:
Note: If the blank value is not appropriate, you may contact NICE WFM Support to determine if your ACD or multimedia server is capable of providing the value directly from the ACD or multimedia server database. Professional service fees may apply to modify the ACD or multimedia server integration and interface. |
dnContactTime |
The agent’s talk time for direct dialed contacts handled on the date. System level data such as dnContactTime is included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
The value in this field is one of these:
Note: If the blank value is not appropriate, you may contact NICE WFM Support to determine if your ACD or multimedia server is capable of providing the value directly from the ACD or multimedia server database. Professional service fees may apply to modify the ACD or multimedia server integration and interface. |
internalContacts |
The number of internal calls handled by the agent for the date. An internal contact occurs when an agent contacts another agent, a supervisor, or some other resource. System level data such as internalContacts is included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
The value in this field is one of these:
Note: If the blank value is not appropriate, you may contact NICE WFM Support to determine if your ACD or multimedia server is capable of providing the value directly from the ACD or multimedia server database. Professional service fees may apply to modify the ACD or multimedia server integration and interface. |
internalContactTime |
The agent’s talk time for internal contacts handled on the date. System level data such as internalContactTime is included in only one record per acdID. The queueID associated with the agent, through skill mapping within the WFM system, and with the lowest ID on the acdID is the record whose system-level fields are populated. Records in the output file with other queueIDs have null values for system level data. |
The value in this field is one of these:
Note: If the blank value is not appropriate, you may contact NICE WFM Support to determine if your ACD or multimedia server is capable of providing the value directly from the ACD or multimedia server database. Professional service fees may apply to modify the ACD or multimedia server integration and interface. |
Supported output formats:
- Pipe delimited
JSON results with non-empty fields

"date": "01012023",
"period": "17:45",
"TZ": "Europe/Kiev",
"custID": "1",
"muID": "500",
"tvID": "500",
"acdID": "500",
"personalID": "agent",
"agentName": "agentName",
"modify": "2022-10-07T09:45:35Z",
"dnContactTime": "0",
"internalContacts": "0"
JSON results with empty fields

"date": "01012023",
"period": "17:45",
"TZ": "Europe/Kiev",
"custID": "1",
"muID": "500",
"tvID": "500",
"acdID": "500",
"logonID": "",
"personalID": "agent",
"agentName": "agentName",
"modify": "2022-10-07T09:45:35Z",
"queueID": "",
"queueName": "",
"contactsHandled": "",
"outContacts": "",
"logonTime": "",
"talkTime": "",
"workTime": "",
"outTime": "",
"externalID": "",
"holdTime": "",
"readyTime": "",
"notReadyTime": "",
"dnContacts": "",
"dnContactTime": "0",
"internalContacts": "0"
JSON empty results
PIPE results with enabled headers

PIPE results with disabled headers

DTD example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!ELEMENT agentResultsDetail ((allFields | fieldList), sortOrder?) >
<!ELEMENT fieldList (fields)>
<!ELEMENT sortOrder (fields)>
<!ELEMENT fields (date | period | TZ | custID | muID | tvID | acdID | logonID | ssn |
agentData | agentName | modify | queueID | queueName | contactsHandled | outContacts |
logonTime | talkTime | workTime | outTime | externalID | holdTime |
readyTime | notReadyTime | dnContacts | dnContactTime | internalContacts |
internalContactTime )+>
<!ELEMENT allFields EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT agentData (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT agentName EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT queueName EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT contactsHandled EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT outContacts EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT logonTime EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT readyTime EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT notReadyTime EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT dnContacts EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT dnContactTime EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT internalContacts EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT internalContactTime EMPTY>