
Objectives are performance-related goals that are completely customizable. Objectives help you monitor important KPIs and keep agents performing at their best. During setup, each objective is divided into target ranges and assigned a color that reflects performance levels. This ensures problem areas are easy to identify and correct before becoming serious issues. Combined with dashboards, objectives are a powerful tool designed to provide at-a-glance insights into the health of your contact center.

Objectives are under Performance Management Next Generation and can be accessed only if you have a PM license.

You can view your company’s objectives on the interactive table that lists all existing objectives for each metric. It allows you to browse, edit, or create new objectives.

Each objective is categorized based on the type of metric used:

  • Count Metric: This is a count-based metric. For instance, in a contact center, the goal might be to resolve 1000 customer queries a month. This monthly goal can be broken down into daily and weekly targets for each team or agent. For example, if there are 20 working days in a month, the daily target might be to resolve 50 queries, making the larger goal of 1000 queries more manageable.

  • Normalised metric: This performance tracking metric keeps agents within a specified goal range. The target remains constant at all levels, from the company to the individual. For instance, if the objective is to maintain the Average Handling Time (AHT) for calls within 3-5 minutes, this target applies to everyone, be it a team or an individual

Create an Objective

When you create an objective, you create a performance range for your team. If team members reach a certain target, they're doing well. If they fall short, it suggests they need to improve. This range allows supervisors to keep track of how well they're doing.

To create an objective:

  1. Click the app selector , select Performance Management and then select Objectives.

  2. On the Objectives page, click New Objective.

  3. Type your Objective Name.

  4. On Select Metric, select the metric for which you want to apply the objective to. Click Confirm to apply the metric. You can see if it is a count metric or a normalized metric under Metric Type.

    When you hover over a metric on Select Metrics, you can see details of Metric Type, Description, the Employee Groups and the Call Groups the data applies at.

  5. Select the Metric Date which is the specific date from which you want your objective to start.

  6. On the Assign Objective section select the Group Type, to which you want to apply your objective to. If you are using a count metric, you can choose between the Employee Group or Contact Group hierarchies. The employee group and contact group define the employee's association within the company. For example if Abby is a supervisor in Team A, supervisor and Team A defines Abby's association in the company.

    Normalized metric objectives are not assigned to group levels.

    The options in Assign Objective are only available when you select count metrics, as it enables you to apply the objective across various levels and groups. However, the Assign Objective options will not be displayed if you select the normalized metric. This is because the normalized metric stays constant, regardless of where it falls in the hierarchy, removing the need to select specific groups or levels.

  7. Choose the Level that the objective will apply to, if your objective is based on a count metric. For example, if you select Agent as the level, this means the objective is specific to agents within the company. Objectives will then adjust the rest of the options accordingly.

    The options displayed depend on the group you select. In the Employee group, you can choose from Team, or Agent. For the Contact Group, the options are Skill, or Campaign. When assigning an objective, if you choose a higher level like Team on the employee group, additional options are displayed to define sub-level objectives.

  8. On Select Groups, you choose between All Groups to assign the objective to all eligible groups within the group level you assigned, or Specific Groups if the objective should only apply to certain groups.

    • If you select All Groups when setting up the objective, the objective will apply to all eligible groups within the level you assign. For example, if a new agent is added to a team in the future, the objective will automatically apply to that agent as well.

    • If you select a Specific Group, the objective will only apply to the agents that are part of the group when setting up the objective. For example, if a new agent is added to the group after the objective has been created, the objective will not apply to that new agent.

  9. In Assign Groups, click Assign to assign specific groups for the objective or to set additional objectives for lower group levels (count metrics only). You can select the Employee Group and the Contact Group. For example, if you pick Team A in the employee group and Outbound in the contact group, the objective will apply to all agents in 'Team A' with the 'Outbound' skill. In other words, this objective is for all Outbound skilled agents in Team A.

  10. Click Performance Ranges and Notification to define the performance ranges and notification for your objective.

    A performance range is like a category marker that represents different levels of achievement towards your objective.

    1. On Select Range, choose the number of ranges you want for your objective. Each range will represent a different level of performance.

    2. Enter your target values for each performance range. You can choose to enter these manually or use the Auto fill feature. For example, the system recognizes a week as 5 working days. Therefore, all input values are multiplied by 5. For a month, the system assumes there are 20 working days, so the calculations are adjusted accordingly.

    3. Click Save to save the performance ranges you defined.

      The options to define performance ranges vary based on the metric type selected. For a count metric you're required to set ranges for day, week and month, for normalised you need to set one universal range.

  11. After you save your ranges and notification, click Save to save your ranges.

  12. Click Back to go to the previous page and then click Create.