Generate Secure External Access Credentials

This page is for Cloud Storage in AWS. If you use Cloud Storage Cloud Storage in Azure, see the Azure storage section of the Cloud Storage Services online help.

Required permissions: Secure External Access Edit

Secure External Access (SEA) allows you to securely copy or move files from CXone Cloud Storage Services active storage to a storage location outside of CXone. To enable SEA, you need to generate credentials. You use these credentials when you retrieve files from SEA. If you lose the keys, you must generate new ones. New credentials replace the previous set of credentials. This includes the access key and ID and the file location. If you generate new credentials, you must update the application you use to retrieve your files from SEA.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select Admin.
  2. Click Cloud StorageLife Cycle Management.
  3. If you're creating credentials for the first time, click Create New or Edit.

  4. If you're generating replacement credentials, click Edit and then Generate Key.
  5. Copy the File Location, Access Key ID and Secret Access Key and save them to a safe location. If the 60-second window where the values are displayed ends before you can save them, click Show.