QA Evaluation Forms Overview
Quality Assurance (QA) evaluation forms are used to review the work of agents, including how they handle calls. QA scores and other data collected from the forms is used for reporting. Be sure you are familiar with the information on this page before using forms.
To help ensure historical accuracy and continuity in reporting, a form cannot be edited once it has been used. A form cannot be edited if it was ever used to evaluate an agent, even if the evaluation has since been deleted. This applies to both completed and in-progress evaluations. The only change you can make to an existing form that has already been used is to attach additional QA Groups.
If a form has been used, and you then determine that changes are needed, you can edit and save it as a new form. A best practice is to include a version number in the form name, so that new versions of forms can be easily identified.
If a form is no longer needed, you can disable it. This prevents it from being used by accident. It also allows you to shorten a lengthy form list since you can filter out disabled forms. There is no limit to the number of times a form can be disabled and re-enabled. You can still edit or complete evaluations based on a form after it has been disabled.
From time to time, inContact and members of the Uptivity user community provide XML documents that can be imported to create QA forms. These customizable documents serve as templates with standard questions, responses, and point values. Past documents have included:
- Healthcare QA Evaluation
- Performance Review
- Sales Evaluation
- Technical Support Evaluation
To learn more about the user community, contact your account manager.
Uptivity also allows you to export QA evaluation forms in XML format for use outside the system.
Creating Forms Overview
Before creating a form, you should:
- Review this topic, as well as related task and reference topics, to understand what types of questions and responses can be used.
- Write the evaluation questions, responses, and possible points in a document. This approach allows you to share the evaluation questions with other managers, and it separates the process of writing the evaluation content from the process of creating the evaluation form.
- Promote consistent scoring across forms by creating a question points/value schema that is easy to track and that is used by all form creators.
Remember these points when creating a form:
- Save a QA form before switching to another tab. If you change tabs without saving your form, all changes will be lost.
- You can edit a form once it has been saved, but only if it has never been used in evaluating a call. Once the form has been used for an evaluation, you cannot change it. This applies even if the evaluation has been deleted.
Do not use the form until you are certain you have added all the sections and questions necessary.
- You can use an existing form (used or unused) as the basis for a new form.
- You cannot delete a form once it has been saved, but you can disable it.
- The number of elements that can be in a single QA form is determined by the number of controls the environment and browser allow. By default, Uptivity allows 2000 controls to be displayed in a single form. When this limit is reached, no more sections, questions, or responses can be added without removing others first.
- Uptivity software considers angled brackets (< >) in QA forms to be HTML, which is not supported. If these characters are used in a form or response, the form will not save. Use square brackets [ ] or braces { } instead.
Assigned Groups
QA evaluation forms are assigned to one or more of the QA Groups that administrators create and to which agents can be assigned. These groups usually represent business organizational units or projects. For more information, see QA Groups Overview.
Agents must be in QA Groups to be evaluated. Forms must be attached to QA Groups and can only be used with those groups.
To help ensure historical accuracy and continuity in reporting, a form cannot be edited once it has been used. This includes removing the attachment for groups whose members have been scored using the form. If you need to remove a group from a previously-scored form, create a new version of the form.
Sections organize a form. They usually follow the type of call flow that occurs. For example, for a technical support QA form, two logical sections might be "Greeting" and "Use of Desktop Tools".
A form must have at least one section. All questions can be placed in one section.