Achievements Overview
Uptivity allows you to establish a system for awarding points to agents who have achieved certain pre-defined goals. Identifying and rewarding clearly-defined goals can lead to improved agent performance and productivity, as well as create a positive way to promote competition among agents.
With Uptivity Achievements, you can:
- Create custom achievements that can be awarded to individual agents or particular QA Groups.
- Award points based on an agent's performance on QA evaluations or other goals defined by your organization.
- Track achievements that have been awarded, along with the total points awarded to each agent.
- Set a date when achievements can no longer be awarded or when points expire.
- Automatically notify agents about their own achievements as well as achievements awarded to other agents.
Achievement Types
Accomplishments in Uptivity are called achievement types, and can be:
- Based on QA evaluation scores. These achievements are awarded automatically by the system as soon as an agent receives the required score on the specified number of QA evaluations.
- Defined ad hoc according to your organization's needs. Ad hoc achievements are awarded manually when an agent or group
accomplishes a pre-defined goal. These goals can be based on any factors or behavior your organization wants to reward, such as survey
results, customer feedback, attendance, average handle time, or script adherence.
Achievement types are created on the Achievement Type Page. An achievement type can have an open-ended award period, or specific start and end dates that indicate when the achievement can be awarded. You cannot add achievement types with overlapping start and end dates for the same agents, group, or QA form (if applicable).
Each achievement type must specify the number of points to be awarded and the individual agents or groups eligible to receive the award. Points can be set up to expire in a specified number of days after being awarded or by an expiration date. Expired points are automatically removed from an agent's total point count.
You can update or edit any of the achievement type fields, even if this achievement has already been awarded to agents. However, when you edit an achievement you must change the start date to be the current date or later, and the end date, if any, to be after the new start date. Edits to an achievement type do not affect achievements that have already been awarded.
Use caution when editing achievement types. If an agent receives the same ad hoc achievement award more than once, it may be confusing if details such as the number of points awarded or the expiration date have changed.
Notification of Achievement Awards
When agents are awarded achievement points, either by meeting the scoring criteria for evaluations or by receiving an ad hoc achievement award, they can be notified by any of the following notification methods:
- News widget
- Achievement widget
Each achievement type must be set up with one or more of these notification methods.
Email Notification
When an agent is notified by email that an achievement was awarded, the email includes the following text:
Email subject: Congratulations on Your Achievement!
Email body text:
You have been awarded this achievement:
Name: <achievement type name>
Points: <number of points awarded for this achievement>
Expiration: <expiration date for points>
To receive an email notification, agents must have an email address specified in their Uptivity user account.
Achievement Icons
Achievement awards can be represented with an icon that is displayed when the achievement appears in the Achievement widget. The following five standard icons are preloaded in Uptivity and are available to be selected when the achievement type is added or edited:
Custom icons can also be uploaded to use instead of one of the standard icons. Custom icons have the following format requirements:
- File size: 105 x 105 pixels
- File type: PNG
Guidelines for Awarding Achievements
When awarding achievements based on QA evaluation scores, the following guidelines apply:
- Achievements cannot be awarded for QA evaluations performed in the past.
- A QA-based achievement cannot be awarded multiple times for the same evaluation. If an evaluation is re-scored, the achievement is not awarded even if the new score qualifies for an achievement.
- Changes to a QA evaluation form do not affect achievements that have already been awarded.
When awarding ad hoc achievements, the following guidelines apply:
- The same achievement type can be awarded more than once to the same agents or groups, until the achievement end date is reached.
- If an achievement is awarded to multiple groups and an agent belongs to more than one of those groups, the agent is awarded the achievement only once.
- You may want to base ad hoc awards on metrics obtained from Uptivity reports, such as agent ranking, script adherence, average handle time, or improvement in evaluation scores.
- You can only award ad hoc achievements to users or groups you have permission to access.
User Permissions
To perform activities related to setting up an achievement award system, users must have the correct permissions. If you need to perform such activities and are unable to do so, see your Uptivity administrator.
Depending on how your permissions are set, some of the achievement menus may not display. For assistance, contact your Uptivity administrator.