SSO with SAML 2.0

If you have a single sign-on (SSO)Closed infrastructure implemented using SAML 2.0Closed, you can integrate NICE Uptivity with your SAML system to authenticate user access to the Uptivity Web Portal.

SSO is compatible with three third-party Identity Providers (IDPs): Okta, Microsoft Azure, and Google Apps. See Set Up Third-Party Identity Providers for SSO for more information.

Configure NICE Uptivity Web Portal Settings for SAML SSO

Required Permissions — Allow System Configuration

After making any changes on the Security page, the system may require an IIS restart for the changes to be reflected.

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, navigate to Administration > Web Portal Settings > Security.
  2. On the Security Settings page, open the SAML 2.0 Settings section.
  3. Select the Enable SAML 2.0 Authentication checkbox.
  4. Enter your information in the Name, Entity ID, Email Attribute, Login Endpoint URI, and Certificate Path fields. All five fields are required.

  5. Click Save.

Configure NICE Uptivity Users for SAML SSO

Required Permissions — Allow User Administration

For SAML SSO to function successfully with NICE Uptivity, the email address for each Uptivity user must match the email address presented by the Identity Provider (IDP). If you need to edit users' email addresses to ensure they match, you can do so individually or you can use the Import User tool to edit multiple at a time. To do this:

  1. Export a list of Uptivity users.
    1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Permissions > Users.
    2. Click Export Users.
    3. Download the file. The exported file will be saved to the downloaded files folder configured in your browser.
  2. Update user email(s) in the downloaded file.
    1. Open the downloaded CSV file.
    2. For each user in the file, edit the email value to match the user's email address presented by the IDP.
    3. Save and close the file.
  3. Import updated file to Uptivity.
    1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration > Permissions > Users.
    2. Click Import Users.
    3. Click Select.
    4. Browse to locate the CSV file that you updated and then click Open.
    5. If the file has a header row with column labels, you can select Import file has a header.
    6. Click Upload File.
    7. Click Perform Import.

    When you import a file, Uptivity verifies that the entries in your file are in the correct format. If validation warnings are displayed, you must correct the file and then try the import again.