Audit Log Search Criteria

System reporting enables you to view and analyze data about your Uptivity system, such as license information, system activity, user activity, and so forth. Audit reports (logs) are one type of System Report.



User Allows you to filter the report by user. Select a user from the drop-down list. Both active and inactive user accounts are included.
Log Type See the next section of this topic for a description of each log type.
Component or Page Allows you to enter a component or page associated with an event, displays that information in the resulting report, or both. For example, if you filter for a Log Type of Schedule Created, this field displays the page on which that action is performed: /Administration/Scheduling/CreateCustomSchedule.aspx.
IP Address Allows you to enter an IP address associated with an event, displays that value in the resulting report, or both. For example, if you filter for a Log Type of Schedule Created, this field displays the IP address of the workstation on which the schedule was created.
ID of Related Object Allows you to enter a system ID associated with an event. For example, if you want to know who has listened to a specific interaction, you can filter for a Log Type value of Call Playback and an ID of Related Object value of the RecordID (such as 1234). Not all log types can filter on this parameter because not all events have a related object.
Message Text 1, 2, and 3 These fields are not used.
Start Time and End time Allows you to filter the report by date range. Click the calendar icon and select a starting date for the range, or enter the date directly by typing it into the field.

Log Types

Uptivity logs a wide variety of events in the course of normal operation. You can filter an audit report based on any of these log types. Not all log types apply to all systems, as noted in the following list. To view all actions, use the Audit Type value of Unknown.

  • Analytic Tag Added — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics.
  • Analytic Tag Deleted — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics.
  • Analytic Tag Enabled — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics.
  • Analytic Tag Disabled — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics.
  • Bookmark Added
  • Bookmark Edited
  • Bookmark Deleted
  • Call Deleted
  • Call Playback — When you select this Log Type, a checkbox appears labeled Display Call Details. When you then select this checkbox, the report includes additional time-stamped information about actions taken during playback, such as pause and resume events. Call details are only available when you use the Recorded Interactions list.
  • Changed Password
  • Evaluation Details — Provides time-stamped information for evaluation events (such as when an evaluation was started, edited, saved as a draft, and submitted) for evaluations initiated from the Recorded Interactions list. This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Quality Management.
  • Exported Call
  • Forgot Password
  • Forgot Password Failed
  • Group Changed (QA Group)
  • Group Created (QA Group)
  • Group Deleted (QA Group)
  • Group to Role Association Changes
  • Invalid Page Access Attempted
  • Live Monitor Observed
  • Login
  • Login Failed
  • Logout
  • QA Acknowledgment — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Quality Management
  • QA Form Disabled — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Quality Management
  • QA Form Enabled — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Quality Management
  • QA Score Deleted — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Quality Management
  • QA Score Edited — This event applies only if your system includes NICE Uptivity Quality Management
  • Role Add
  • Role Changed
  • Role Deleted
  • Schedule Changed
  • Schedule Created
  • Schedule Deleted
  • Security Settings Changed
  • Superuser Created
  • System Settings Changed
  • System Started
  • Unknown
  • User Changed
  • User changing Groups
  • User changing Roles
  • User Created
  • User Deleted
  • Viewed Audit Trail