Customer Administration Tasks

During ongoing use of the system, your NICE Uptivity administrator may need to configure new channels or reconfigure existing channels. This section provides information needed to perform these integration-specific tasks.

Unify OSCC Integration Customer Administration Overview

This integration uses passive VoIP (port mirroring) as an audio source. If you add or reconfigure channels, follow procedures specific to that audio source as found in the NICE Uptivity Customer Guide to Passive VoIP Recording.

You must also edit the CTI monitors in the Unify OSCC CTI Module if you add to or change the devices monitored by NICE Uptivity. The CTI Monitors list must exactly match the extensions configured for recording (that is, Voice Board channels).

Access CTI Monitors

  1. Log in to the NICE Uptivity Web Portal with an appropriately-permissioned account.
  2. Click the Administration tab and expand Recorder settings in the left navigation menu.
  3. Click CTI Cores.
  4. Click the Edit icon for the CTI Core you wish to configure.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and then click the Edit icon for the cc_GenesysFx CTI Module.

Add Devices as CTI Monitors

  1. In CTI Monitors, select Device from the Monitor Type list.
  2. Enter the extension(s) for recording in the Monitor Values field as a single extension (e.g. 1234), multiple extensions in a comma separated list (e.g. 1234,2345,4321) or a range of extensions using a hyphen (e.g. 2300-2400).
  3. Enter Prefix and/or Postfix settings if desired.
  4. Click the Add icon to add the device to the list and then click Save.





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