Customer Administration Tasks

After the integration setup is complete, there are no ongoing administration tasks to maintain the integration, however, if you add channels to or reconfigure existing channels in your system, your Uptivity administrator will need to increase the channel count or modify the channel configuration on the voice board in the Web Portal. The ShoreTel TAPI-WAV integration delivers audio to NICE Uptivity in the form of WAV files. This requires that there be one channel in Uptivity for each anticipated concurrent connection, so the number of channels in Uptivity must match the Call Stack Depth value in the route point created on ShoreTel Director.

When adding channels to Uptivity for a WAV integration, the Uptivity administrator must use these configuration settings: 




Used in deployments where physical devices and channels have a one-to-one correspondence, or to allocate specific channels to specific types of recording. For more information, search online help for keyword channel assignment.

The default is Dedicated Record Device (Voice Port).

Assign Value Enter the identifier for the device assigned to the channel (typically the phone extension). This value is case sensitive.

After making any changes to voice boards or channels, you must restart the CTI Core service.

Any other voice board changes should only be done under direct supervision from Uptivity Support. Done incorrectly, voice board modifications can have serious negative impact to your system. In addition, altering the hardware configuration of your system may void your warranty.

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