Manage Archive Actions
Archive actions determine how recordings are handled once their retention period on the recording server expires. Archive actions have no effect until they are associated with a recording schedule. For more information, see Archiving Overview.
Create and Edit Archive Actions
- In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration
System Settings
Archive Actions.
- Click Add to create a new action or double click an action to open it for editing.
Archive action changes are not retroactive. If an action has already been applied to a call, and you later change a value, the original settings still apply. The new settings apply to recordings moving forward.
- Configure the settings for the archive action.Learn more about the fields in this step
Name Lists the user-defined name assigned to the archive action when it is created. This name will appear in the list of available archive actions when you configure a schedule, and in the Next Archive Action list on this page. Storage Type Select the storage medium used by this archive action from the drop-down list. Possible values are: Disk or SMB. The default value is Disk. The next few fields on this page may change depending on your selection. See Storage Type-Specific Settings. Location Specifies the directory where files will be stored by the archive action.
File paths should not contain spaces. If the path that you use includes spaces, Uptivity may not be able to access the directory.
Archive Restriction From the drop-down list, select which recording-related files should be governed by this archive action. Possible values are: Archive Everything or Archive Audio Only. The default value is Archive Everything. Archive Type Determines how the files will be moved from the original location to the archive location. Choose one from the drop-down list:
- Normal — Files are moved to the archive location and then deleted from the original location. Uptivity database call records are updated with the new file location. If you want users to have access to the archived file from Uptivity, the location must be accessible.
- Copy — Files are copied to the archive location, and files in the original location remain untouched. If files are later purged from the original location, they must be manually restored for Uptivity to access them.
- Backup — Files are copied to the archive location and the original files are left alone. Call records are copied to a backup table in the Uptivity database and updated with the address of the backup location. When the original file and call record are purged, the backup call record is moved into the live database, making the file retrievable from the backup location.
Status Shows whether the action is Active (available for use) or Inactive (unavailable). Does not affect the operation of the action or how it is attached to any recording schedules. Only Active actions appear in the Next Archive Action list. Next Archive Action Select the archive action to follow this one from the drop-down list. Possible values are Purge, None, and any archive actions that have been created in your system. The default value, None, results in no changes to the files after the archive action completes. Purge results in deletion of the files after the archive action completes. Days Until Next Archive Type the number of days between successful execution of the current archive action and the execution of the Next Archive Action. Use Schedule Select an option from the drop-down list to limit when the archive action can run. Possible values are: Yes or No. Start Time Works in conjunction with the Use Schedule setting. Select a starting time for the period during which the archive action can run. End Time Works in conjunction with the Use Schedule setting. Select an ending time for the period during which the archive action can run. Storage Type-Specific Settings
Location Type a direct file path or a custom location file mask for the archive destination. User ID If the storage location requires credentials, type the username that Uptivity will use to access the location. Password If the storage location requires credentials, type the password that Uptivity will use to access the location. - Click Save.
Run Archive Actions
Archive actions determine how recordings are handled once their retention period on the recording server expires. They run automatically according to a user-defined schedule, but at times you may need to run an archive action immediately.
- In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Administration
System Tools
Archiver Console.
- In the Archive Actions list, locate the action to be run.
- Click Run Now.