Items in the Content Library

Required Permission: Allow Content Library Management

The Content Library enables supervisors to upload files that can be shared with agents who have access to the NICE Uptivity Web Portal. Agents typically content specifically assigned to them through their Assignment Inbox. For more information, see Content Library Overview.

To access items in the Content Library:

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Coaching Content Library.
  2. Click the category for the item you want to access.
  3. Click the item in the category content list, and open or save the file as directed by your web browser.

Add an Item

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click CoachingManage ContentAdd Content.
  2. Click Browse, navigate to the file to be added to the library, and click Open.
  3. Click Upload File.
  4. Enter a Title. You can also select a Priority and a Duration.
  5. Select the category(ies) in which this item will appear.
  6. Select the QA Groups which should have access to this item.
  7. Click Save.