Manage Analytic Tags

Analytic tags specify the words and phrases the speech search engine will search for in index files. The search process is continuous as long as new calls and index files are created. Once created, analytic tags can be enabled / disabled and copied.

Create Tags

  1. Navigate to this page in the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, go to AdministrationAdd-OnsAnalytic Tag List.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Configure the Analytic Tag Settings.
  4. If you want to, specify an Effective Start Date before today's date to reprocess historical PAT (phonetic access track) files and identify the tags you specified. Use the date provided by the Earliest Pat Creation Date field to determine the earliest date that you can specify.

    Reprocessing historical index files can delay the processing of new recordings. It is best practice that you create new analytics tags with historical reprocessing during your contact center’s off-peak hours.

  5. Click Save.

Existing Tags

  1. Navigate to this page in the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, go to AdministrationAdd-OnsAnalytic Tag List.
  2. Use the Status filter if necessary to find the tag you want to work with.
  3. If you want to, click the Copy icon to copy an existing tag. You can configure Analytic Tag Settings before you click Save.
    • Copying enables you to refine tags by changing the confidence level, match position, and phrases. You can retain both the original and the new tag to compare search effectiveness. If one is no longer needed, it can be disabled or deleted. You can also copy tags to apply them to different criteria expressions.
    • When you copy a tag, NICE Uptivity opens the Add Analytics Tags page with most settings pre-populated to match the original tag. Effective Start Date is set to the current date, Effective End Date is blank, and tag Status is set to Enabled. You can change these settings as needed.
  4. If you want to, use the checkmark in the Enabled column to change the status of the tag to and from Enabled and Disabled.
  5. If you want to, click the Delete icon to remove a tag.
    • Deleting tags is not recommended in most cases. Deleting a tag deletes all the phrase records generated using that tag from the database. This action can drastically affect reporting. Reports that depend on historic information and comparisons will be unreliable.
    • If the tag is needed sometimes but not always, it should be enabled / disabled. If a tag must be deleted, best practice is to disable the tag, wait one day and then delete that tag. The wait will allow the tag to clear the system and not be attributed during the delete process causing a reporting error.
    • Tag deletion can cause performance issues for both reporting and speech analytics. If the engine is deleting tags, it is not indexing or searching. The number of tags that can be deleted at one time varies depending on the number of tag records generated for reports. If a tag was found 10,000 times, deleting it causes that number of records to be deleted from the database. As a precaution, delete tags when NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics is not processing as many audio files, such as the early morning.