Screen Capture Client Settings

NICE Uptivity Screen Recordinguses a client application that runs on user workstations. Client settings are read from a configuration file (CC_ScreenCapClient.ini) stored in the installation directory on the user workstation. The file contains settings configured during installation and advanced settings that can be used to fine-tune screen recording performance.

Screen Capture Client INI File Settings


Setting Details Default
Delay Specifies the delay in seconds before the client begins recording. 0
Log Level Specifies the application logging levels. Info
Use_Logging Specifies whether to use client application logging. The field accepts the values of 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. 1
Priority Specifies the priority for the client process. The field accepts the following values from highest to lowest: realtime, high, abovenormal, normal, belownormal, low. belownormal
Create_Form Specifies that a console window be displayed when the client runs. The field accepts the values of 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. 0


This section of the INI file controls how screens are recorded. It also provides optional settings that allow capturing a fixed resolution portion of the screen. This can be useful in certain environments where issues persist with capturing specific resolutions. For example, if the settings are configured as left = 0, right = 1024, bottom = 768, top = 0, the top left 1024x768 pixels of the screen would be captured.

Setting Details Default
Custom_Capture Specifies that custom capture be used by the client. The field accepts the values of 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. 0
Custom_Capture_Left Specifies the left border setting in pixels for the custom capture. The field accepts numeric values. This setting is disregarded unless Custom_Capture is enabled. 0
Custom_Capture_Right Specifies the right border setting in pixels for the custom capture. The field accepts numeric values. This setting is disregarded unless Custom_Capture is enabled. 0
Custom_Capture_Bottom Specifies the lower border setting in pixels for the custom capture. The field accepts numeric values. This setting is disregarded unless Custom_Capture is enabled. 0
Custom_Capture_Top Specifies the upper border setting in pixels for the custom capture. The field accepts numeric values. This setting is disregarded unless Custom_Capture is enabled. 0
Capture_Frequency Specifies the time in milliseconds between screen captures. The default should not be changed. Changing this value results in significant recording playback issues. 1000
Livemon_Capture_Frequency Specifies the time in milliseconds between screen captures that can be viewed in the Live Monitor Screen View. The field accepts numeric values. 5000
Width_Slices Works with the Height_Slices setting to determine how portions of screen data are collected. The field accepts numeric values. If Width_Slices is set to 1 and Height_Slices is set to 10, data is captured as 10 vertical slices and 1 width slice. 1
Height_Slices Works with the Width_Slices setting to determine how portions of screen data are collected. The field accepts numeric values. 10
Use_Mirror Can be used to force the client to use a mirror driver as opposed to the standard bitblt driver for capturing screens. The field accepts the values of 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled. 0


This section of the INI file specifies the service bus (RabbitMQ) and the Screen Capture API (SCAPI) servers that the client should connect to.

Setting Details Default
Use_Servicebus Enables the screen capture client to receive messages from a message broker, like the RabbitMQ service bus. Valid values are 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled). 1
Servicebus_Port Specifies the port that the client uses to communicate with the RabbitMQ server. If SSL is enabled, port 5671 is also valid. 5672
SCAPI_Host Specifies the IP address or hostname of the SCAPI server.  
SCAPI_Port Specifies the port used to send requests to the SCAPI server. 3113


This section of the INI file contains the IP address of the RabbitMQ node and specifies if the node uses SSL communication. Screen Capture Client supports multiple RabbitMQ endpoints for high availability and redundancy. Each additional RabbitMQ endpoint will have its own section in the INI file (for example: [servicebus2] ) containing the Host and Enablessl settings.

Setting Details Default
Host Specifies the IP address or hostname of the service bus server.  
Enablessl Enables SSL communication with the service bus and Screen Capture Client. Valid values are false (disabled) and true (enabled). false


This section of the INI file specifies the screen capture servers to which the client should connect. Depending on the customer environment and deployment model, multiple servers may be used for redundancy or load balancing.

This section displays 10 Screencap_Host and Screencap_Port entries. Up to 10 servers can be specified in the client installation wizard. If more than 10 servers are used, you can add the additional servers here.

Setting Details Default
Number_Screencap_Servers Specifies the number of screen capture servers to which the client will connect. The number of Screencap_Host and Screencap_Port settings in this section should match this number. The field accepts numeric values. 1
Screencap_Host<#> IP address of first screen capture server. If a value was not specified in the client installation wizard, the default value is added. Not Configured
Screencap_Port<#> Specifies the TCP port used to connect to the corresponding Screencap_Host. If there is no matching Screencap_Host, the setting is disregarded. 5633