Manage Recording Schedules

Schedules are collections of business rules that govern recordings in Uptivity. Recording schedules require you to set an archive action. Therefore, you should create archive actions before schedules. See Manage Archive Actions. For more information, see Recording Schedules Overview.

All of the following tasks are done from the Schedule Query Page.

Create Schedules

Follow the steps below to create a custom schedule. You can also Create Recording Schedules Based on Number of Calls or Create Recording Schedules for a Period of Time.

  1. Click Create Schedule.
  2. Click Create a Custom Schedule (Advanced).
  3. Configure the schedule criteria and parameters.
  4. Click Save Schedule.

Find Schedules

  1. Click Find Schedule.
  2. Move users from Schedule Owners to Schedule Owners Listed to narrow your search to schedules created by or assigned to specific users; move users from Schedule Owners Listed to Schedule Owners to exclude them from your search. To retrieve all schedules, skip this step.
  3. Click Search.
  4. If you want to, click Edit (indicated by the pencil icon) or Delete (indicated by the red X).
  5. Double-click a schedule to view all of its criteria and parameters, or click one of the action icons for the schedule to edit, copy, or delete it.

Copy Schedules

  1. In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click AdministrationSchedulingFind Schedule.
  2. Move users from Schedule Owners to Schedule Owners Listed to narrow your search to schedules created by or assigned to specific users; move users from Schedule Owners Listed to Schedule Owners to exclude them from your search. To retrieve all schedules, skip this step.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click Copy (indicated by the papers icon) for the schedule you want to copy. A new schedule window opens with the settings from the original schedule already configured.
  5. Revise the schedule's criteria and parameters as needed.
  6. Click Save Schedule.