Metric Goals Overview

Setting goals allows you to measure performance against performance targets. You can gain richer information from the metricsClosedCalculates a measure for the various intervals of time and various roll-up combinations. The formula to create a metric is: a measure plus the keys for “what” and “when.” used in tickersClosedDisplays at the top of the agent's screen and provides them with updates on how they are performing for their various KPIs., dashboards and scorecards by setting goals at different levels. You can set goals for any metric, including scorecard-generated metrics, if you have Goals Designer permissionsClosedA type of setting that allows or restricts users’ access to information and functionality. Permissions are added to roles, then roles are assigned to users..

Basic Goals are set on measuresClosedA simple measurement, such as: average talk time, average QA score, number of calls handled, average interaction talk time, etc.. They enable you to set an overall target for any measure. Basic goals are set globally and have no specific date range.

Advanced Goals are set on metrics. Advanced goals are usually set for defined periods of time, but can be left open-ended. You can set an advanced goal for any metric whose only non-period key is Company, Group, or Agent. For example, you can set an advanced goal for “Agent, Week” but not “Agent, Skill”.

You can set goals at both levels (basic and advanced) for associated data. For example, you can set a basic goal for a measure and an advanced goal for one of its metrics. Where the two goals might conflict, an advanced goal on a metric takes precedence over a basic goal on a measure.

You view and manage both types of goals from the Goal Manager. To access the Goal Manager:

  1. Navigate to Performance ManagementBI Designer
  2. Click the Goal icon (indicated by a graph) in the left panel.

You can also view the history of basic goals set on a particular measure, or advanced goals set on a particular metric, by clicking the History button.

You can edit existing basic and advanced goals. When you make changes to an advanced goal with an open period (no end date), the system closes the original period and starts a new period and version of the advanced goal.