Install and Uninstall the Performance Management Desktop Ticker Client

The Performance Management Desktop Ticker client is installed on an agent's workstation and provides agents with updates on how they are performing for their KPIsClosedAn acronym for Key Performance Indicator - a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives..

Installing the Client

The Desktop Ticker client installer is a self extracting .zip file that is run via command prompt by an administrative windows account on the workstation. The Ticker client installer may be packaged to be pushed to the necessary workstations. It is best practice to test the installation of the Ticker client on a single workstation before general deployment.

The Ticker client installer is obtained from your NICE Uptivity representative.

  1. Copy the Ticker client installer to the workstation from the Portal server.
  2. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
  3. In command prompt, navigate to the directory where the Ticker client installer is saved.
  4. Enter the following command, using the parameters that are applicable and to your installation:

    Inst.Uptivity.Ticker_<version>.exe /S /SD /SERVER=SERVERNAME /PARAMS=autouid=1


    The following table explains the switches used in the command above:

    Options (Switches)Description
    /D=Use if the Ticker client must be installed to a location other than the default.
    /SSpecifies silent installation. This is recommended.
    /SDSuppresses error dialogs. This is recommended.
    /SECUREUses HTTPS (instead of HTTP). Use if the VPortal server is running a secure site (HTTPS).
    /SERVER=VPortal server name (you might need FQDN). This is required for new installations.
    /PARAMS=Allows the ticker to automatically log in using the account that logged in to the workstation. If this is not set, the user must log in to the Ticker separately upon launch.
  5. Run the command. This will silently install the Desktop Ticker client.

Once installed, the Ticker automatically launches upon each login. The installer also creates a shortcut on the desktop to launch the Ticker.

Uninstalling the Client

The Desktop Ticker Client must be uninstalled manually via command prompt by an administrative windows account on the workstation.

  1. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
  2. Enter the following command:

    Msiexec /uninstall Inst.Uptivity.Vpi.Ticker_<version>.msi