Delete an Analytic Tag

NICE Uptivity recommends you do not delete tags in most cases. Deleting a tag deletes from the database all the phrase records generated using that tag. This action can drastically affect reporting. Reports that depend on historic information and comparisons will be unreliable. Generally, tags should be disabled rather than deleted.

If the tag is needed sometimes but not always, it should be enabled / disabled. If a tag must be deleted, best practice is to disable the tag, wait one day and then delete that tag. The wait will allow the tag to clear the system and not be attributed during the delete process causing a reporting error.

Tag deletion can cause performance issues for both reporting and speech analytics. If the engine is deleting tags, it is not indexing or searching. The number of tags that can be deleted at one time varies depending on the number of tag records generated for reports. If a tag was found 10,000 times, deleting it causes that number of records to be deleted from the database. As a precaution, delete tags when NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics is not processing as many audio files, such as the early morning.

  1. Click Administration Add-Ons Analytics Analytic Tag List.
  2. Click the Delete icon for the tag.
  3. Click OK.

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