Customer Site Requirement Changes

This topic discusses only those site requirements that have changed since the previous version of NICE Uptivity. For complete information regarding site requirements, see Server & Site Overview and the appropriate customer guide(s) for recording integrations, workforce management integrations, or both.

Server Hardware

Hardware requirements vary depending on the deployment model, telephony integration, Uptivity components used, and number of concurrent users in the system.

No new hardware requirements have been introduced in 17.3.

Server Software

Servers hosting the NICE Uptivity Web Portal require .NET framework v4.7.

Windows Server 2016 is supported on most systems.

Windows Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported, except when required.

User Workstation/PC

When a system includes NICE Uptivity Screen Recording, NICE Uptivity Desktop Analytics, or both, consult Uptivity Sales Engineering for recommended system requirements based on business needs.

No new user workstation changes have been introduced in 17.3.

Database Changes

When a customer upgrades to NICE Uptivity 17.3, expect an increase in space of 10- to 20-percent on the customer's database. This is due to the newly-added support for Unicode.


Exporting PCM Files — Customers using NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics can export high-quality PCM audio files from Uptivity to conduct additional speech processing using an third-party solution.

A license must be purchased in addition to the NICE Uptivity license to enable this feature.

NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics — Customers upgrading to NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics for 17.3 require a new license. The license required depends on whether the customer is using Nexidia or a third-party speech analytics solution.

Uptivity Sales Engineering explains licensing requirements during the sales process.


No new security changes have been introduced in 17.3.