End-User Issues Resolved in Version 17.3

The following table provides a summary of issues reported by customers that have been resolved in this release.

Salesforce ID Issue Summary
887785 When filtering, using the categories list, or sorting by name in the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, a database timeout message was displayed.
903026 The NICE Uptivity Performance Management Portal was only accessible to superusers.
903037 In the NICE Uptivity Performance Management Portal, reporting options were only displayed if user was a superuser.
903054 NICE Uptivity Performance Management Messages to users did not display in the ticker.
903067 Filter options in Reporting widgets in the NICE Uptivity Performance Management Portal were limited unless the user was a superuser.
903076 When doing a patch and running core sequel script, there were issues with synonyms.
903081 In the NICE Uptivity Performance Management Portal, Metric Widgets were not generating properly.
908894 Executing "recording-delete" failed if a call record with the same filename had previously been deleted.
907769 Truncated record data could not be inserted into the database because column sizes for ANI and DNIS were too small.
908929 The QA Pending Acknowledgement Report does not display the correct results.
914623 Could not import users with a csv file due to an error parsing the file.
929081 Calibration Evaluation Detail Report was pulling incorrect data for Free Text Box questions.
927988 Dashboard widgets were not working after an upgrade.
926847 Previously used jQuery version had vulnerabilities.
934176 Only superusers could delete public or private filters in the HTML5 Call List.
938835 Agent Groups were not being updated because of a sync issue.
941264 A 500 Error displayed if the export feature was used but a recording didn't exist in the database.
935135 Disabling a QA Form didn't work if the browser was set to French-CA.
935174 The Edit QA Page would still run an English report even if the browser was set to fr-CA.
935181 An error displayed if a user attempted to delete a call log by right clicking.
935530 Report Widgets are now accessible via the Dashboard Report Widget. Direct access to report widgets from the PM Portal report list has been removed.