CTI Core Settings

Allows you to type a name for this CTI Core.
Allows you to specify the location at which this core resides by selecting from a drop-down list. The list is populated with locations configured The default value is the Default location that is standard in all Uptivity systems.
Allows you to type the name or IP address of the server on which this core resides.
Defines the TCP port on which the core will listen for communications from other CTI Cores. This value must be unique for each core installed on a server. The default value is 5685.
Monitor Reload Frequency
Specifies how often (in seconds) the core checks for changes to this configuration page. The default value is 300.
Record Method
Allows you to specify, from a drop-down list, the method the core will use to acquire audio. The field accepts these values: Single Step Conference, Service Observe, Passive, or Active. There is no default value.
Playback Method
This setting has been deprecated.
Enable Event Interface
Allows you to specify whether events generated by this core are to be made available to API clients. The field accepts the values Yes or No, with Yes as the default.
API Commands to Script
Allows you to direct commands coming from the API Server (callstart, callstop, and callupdate) to go to script instead of actually calling a callstart/stop/update. The field accepts the values Yes or No.
JCOM Timeout Interval
Specifies the time in milliseconds before the core stops expecting a response to a message sent to another Uptivity module. The default value is 300.
JCOM Reconnect Interval
Specifies the time in milliseconds between connection attempts to other Uptivity modules if a core has detected disconnection. The default value is 300.
Default Screen Capture Port
This setting has been deprecated.
Generate XML with Recordings
Specifies that an XML file should be generated for each recording containing the metadata displayed in the Call List for that recording. This provides a backup copy of information stored in the database. The field accepts the values Yes or No, with Yes being the default.
Transcode by Board
Specifies that the voice board ID should be added as a prefix to the Transcoder record for each call. The field accepts the values Yes or No, with No being the default.
Channel Selection
Determines how the core selects a channel for recording. The field accepts the values:
Local Data Directory
Allows you to specify a disk location (in the form of a UNC path) where the core will store data that cannot be committed to the database due to connection failures. The default value is c:\temp
Use Media Server
Determines whether the core uses Web Media Server. This field accepts the values Yes or No, with No as the default.
Media Server Host
Allows you to specify the host name or IP address of the server running the Web Media Server this core will use. This field appears only when Use Media Server is set to Yes.
Media Server Port
Specifies the port on which the core communicates with the Web Media Server. This setting appears only when Use Media Server is set to Yes. The default value is 5630.
Info Broker Listen Port
Specifies the port on which the core listens for communication from the Live Info Broker service. The default value is 2013.
Desktop Only Max Record Time
Used only for cores that record desktop activity without corresponding phone events. It specifies the maximum time in seconds for a desktop recording. The default value is 600 (10 minutes).
Desktop Only Min Record Time
Used only for cores that record desktop activity without corresponding phone events. It specifies the minimum time in seconds for a desktop recording. The default value is 10.
Desktop Only Recording Path
Used only for cores that record desktop activity without corresponding phone events. It allows you to specify the UNC path to the disk location where recordings will be stored. The default value is E:\recordings.
Max Agent Blackout Timeout
Allows you to specify the maximum time in seconds of a blackout period once an AGENTBLACKOUT has been invoked. The default value is 600 (10 minutes). This setting should be viewed as a safeguard only; an agent-invoked AGENTBLACKOUTSTOP should always be sent to stop the blackout.
Default Filename Mask
Allows you to specify a naming convention for recording files. The variables can be edited. The default value is %Y%M%D\%A\%A-%H-%N-%S. Variable values are explained on the screen and are also the same as those used for archiving. For more information, see Location File Masks.
Related Boards
Allows you to specify the voice board(s) that should be associated with this core. Select from a drop-down list of all voice boards in the system.
Related Cores
Allows you to specify any secondary cores that should be associated with, and controlled by, this core. Select from a drop-down list of all CTI Cores in the system.
Related Schedules
Allows you to specify any schedules that should be associated with this core. If you do not associate any schedules, the core will use all schedules created in the system.
CTI Modules
Allows you to select a CTI module for this core and add it to the CTI Modules list. Not all integrations use CTI modules. For more information, more information, refer to the overview topic for recording integration.