Major Features and Enhancements

For additional information, see the technical documentation references cited for each feature or ask your Uptivity representative.

NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics

The primary focus of this release is the reintroduction of NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics to the software suite. The new NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics uses the Nexidia Speech Grid, an industry-leading analytics processing engine. For this release, call audio is analyzed phonetically, similar to the way analytics processing was performed previously. Future releases will add Nexidia's even more powerful speech-to-text capabilities to the product.

NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics must be installed on a dedicated server separate from call recording and the NICE Uptivity Web Portal. For details, see NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics Requirements.

The 17.2 release of NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics supports only one language at a time. Future releases will support multiple languages within a single implementation. Nexidia supports 50+ languages, including (but not limited to):

  • Australian, North American, and UK English
  • Castilian and Latin American Spanish
  • Canadian and European French

The default language is North American English. If you are interested in using a different language, talk to your Uptivity representative about availability of the language.

NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics is available for both new and upgrading customers. Special considerations apply to upgrades. Your Uptivity representative will review these with you.

For more information about NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics, see NICE Uptivity Speech Analytics Overview.

Functionality Changed or Removed

Transcoder Status Report — The Transcoder Status Report has been removed from the available System Reports.