Live Monitoring Overview

Live monitoring is a feature in Uptivity that enables authorized users to listen to an agent's calls, view an agent's desktop, or both, in near-real time. It also enables system administrators to see if calls are being recorded. This feature requires appropriate permissions. If you do not have these permissions, you will not see the Live Monitor sub-tab on the Interactions List tab. For more information on permissions, see New Role Page.

The Live Monitor page is further divided to offer two views: List View and Screen View.

Live monitoring of audio is a basic Uptivity feature, but requires configuration by the system administrator. Live monitoring of agent desktops is a separate feature licensed as part of NICE Uptivity Screen Recording.

Agent audio is available for monitoring only when the agent is on a call. Agent desktop activity is available, whether the agent is on a call or not, when both of these conditions apply:

  • Your organization uses NICE Uptivity Screen Recording
  • The screen recording client application is running on the agent's workstation

The Live Monitor list and screen view pages do not time out due to frequent refreshes of page content. When you use Live Monitor, you should close your browser or lock your screen before leaving your computer unattended, particularly if you have administrative access to the system.

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