Voice Board Settings

Global Settings

Global settings apply only to voice boards for Ai-Logix LDA and NGX cards.

Specifies the volume level (in dBm) to which the board will try to normalize audio. The field accepts any positive or negative numeric value, but the generally accepted range for gain is 1 to -45. The default value is 0. This setting can be used to control multiple Ai-Logix LDA or NGX cards in a system, but the best practice is to configure automatic gain control (AGC) settings for each card individually.
Play Beep Tone on Record
Specifies whether an audible tone should be played during recording. This setting applies only to Ai-Logix LDA cards. The field accepts the values of Yes or No from a drop-down list, with No as the default.

General Board Settings

General board settings vary depending on the type of voice board.

Sound Settings

Sound Settings apply only to voice boards for Ai-Logix cards.

Play a Continuous Sound
Specifies that a beep tone should be inserted at regular intervals into calls recorded by the associated Ai-Logix card. This tone is inaudible to callers and agents. The field accepts the values of Yes or No from a drop-down list, with No as the default.
Continuous Beep Amplitude/Volume
Specifies the volume of the generated tone in decibels (dB). The field accepts positive or negative numeric values in a range from 3 to -60, with a default of -14.1.
Continuous Beep - Tone Frequency
Specifies the pitch of the generated tone in hertz (Hz). The field accepts numeric values, with a default of 1400.
Continuous Beep - Interval
Specifies the number of seconds between beep tones. The field accepts numeric values, with a default of 15.
Continuous Beep - Tone Duration
Specifies in milliseconds how long the beep tone lasts. The field accepts numeric values, with a default of 750.

Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Settings

Automatic Gain Control Settings apply only to voice boards for Ai-Logix cards.

Enable AGC
Specifies whether the associated Ai-Logix card should attempt to even out (normalize) audio between the called and calling parties to keep the volume consistent. The field accepts the values of Yes or No from a drop-down list, with No as the default.
AGC Target Amplitude/Volume
Specifies the volume to which the card will attempt to normalize audio in decibel-milliwatts (dBm). The field accepts positive or negative numeric values in a range from 1 to -45, with a default of -6.
AGC Maximum Amplification
Specifies the maximum number of decibels (dBs) a channel will be adjusted during normalization. The field accepts numeric values, with a default of 30.
AGC Attack Gain Change Rate
Determines how quickly AGC responds to a changing input level. Longer attack times result in slower change; shorter attack times result in faster change. The field accepts numeric values, which express units of 0.00212 dB per millisecond. The default is 400.
AGC Decay Gain Change Rate
Determines how quickly AGC responds to a changing input level. Longer decay times result in slower change; shorter decay times result in faster change. The field accepts numeric values, which express units of 0.00212 dB per millisecond. The default is 4.

Silence Detection Settings

Silence Detection Settings apply only to voice boards for Ai-Logix cards.

Enable Audio/Silence Detection
Used to enable audio/silence detection on the associated Ai-Logix card for integration channel scripts that require it. The field accepts the values of Yes or No from a drop-down list, with No as the default.
Silence Threshold
Specifies the dBm volume that audio on the channel must drop below to trigger a silence event. The field accepts numeric values in a range from 0 to -60, with a default of -51.
Activity Threshold
Specifies the dBm volume that audio on the channel must rise above to trigger an activity event. The field accepts numeric values from 0 to -60, with a default of -48.
Minimum Silence Duration
Specifies the minimum time in milliseconds that the volume level must stay below the Silence Threshold for an event to be triggered. The default is 40.
Maximum Silence Duration
Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that audio can be below the Silence Threshold before another event is triggered. The field accepts numeric values up to 65,535; setting a value higher than this causes the system to reset to 1000. The default is 30,000 (30 seconds).
Minimum Activity Duration
Specifies the minimum time in milliseconds that the volume level must stay above the Activity Threshold for an event to be triggered. The field accepts numeric values, with a default of 40.
Maximum Activity Duration
Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that audio can stay above the Activity Threshold before another event is triggered. The field accepts numeric values, with a default of 10000 (10 seconds).

UNC Paths

UNC Paths apply to all voice boards. This section allows you to provide UNC path values that tell the voice board where to copy recordings when complete. However, best practice is to establish these storage locations in the recording schedule. For more information, see .


Channels apply to all voice boards. This section allows you to configure the individual channels that will be recorded using this voice board. The fields for each channel vary depending on the integration. The image shown here is for a Nortel MLS voice board.

Number of Channels to Add
Allows you to specify the number of channels you are adding to the voice board. This field is not available if the voice board is associated with an Ai-Logix card, where the fixed number of channels for the card is shown at all times.
Channel ID
Applies to all voice boards. This field displays the internal identifier assigned to the channel by Uptivity. As you are adding channels, the field displays a temporary ID (for example, -1, -2, and so forth). When you save the new channels, the ID is assigned and displayed.
Applies to all voice boards. This field is used in deployments where physical devices and channels have a one-to-one correspondence, or to allocate specific channels to specific types of recording. The field accepts values from a drop-down list (see Channel Assignment Settings), with Anything as the default.
Assign Val
Applies to all voice boards. This field displays the identifier for the device assigned to the channel (typically the phone extension). This field applies to all voice boards.
Applies only to Avaya DMCC voice boards. This field displays the DMCC station associated with the channel.
Applies only to Avaya DMCC voice boards. This field displays the password for the Station.
Applies to all voice boards. This fields displays the name established when the channel was added.
Applies only to voice boards associated with Ai-Logix cards. This field displays a description of the channel.
Applies only to voice boards associated with Ai-Logix LDA or NGX cards. This field specifies the polarity of the channel. It accepts the following values from a drop-down list: Default, Normal, or Reverse. The default value is Default.
Voltage Low
Applies only to voice boards associated with Ai-Logix LDA cards. This field specifies a numeric value used to determine when a physical phone has been taken off-hook. A value is required only when on/off hook signaling is used to determine recording start and stop.
Voltage High
Applies only to voice boards associated with Ai-Logix LDA cards. This field specifies a numeric value used to determine when a physical phone has been placed back on-hook. A value is required only when on/off hook signaling is used to determine recording start and stop.
Applies only to voice boards associated with Ai-Logix LDA cards. This field determines the length of time in milliseconds that voltage must stay past the Voltage Low or Voltage High threshold before an event is issued. The field accepts numeric values, with 50 as the default.
Trunk Tap
Applies only to voice boards associated with Ai-Logix cards. This field specifies whether the trunk-tapping capability of the physical card should be used. The default for this checkbox is cleared.

channel assignment settings

Not in Use
Identifies a channel that is licensed but not currently used.
Allows the channel to be used for all recording and playback events, as determined by schedule priorities.
Playback Anything
Limits the channel to playback of recordings via telephone.
Record Anything
Allows the channel to be used for any scheduled or API-triggered recording.
Instant Record
Dedicates channel to instant recording requests from the Uptivity API.
Dedicated Record ACD Group
Limits the channel to recording only the specified ACD/PBX group (not QA Group), independently of any schedules.
Dedicated Record Device ID
Limits the channel to recording a specific hardware resource (such as a voice port or DN) on the ACD/PBX.
Dedicated Record Agent ID
Limits the channel to recording a specific agent-based identifier (such as agent login or extension).
Dedicated Record Dialed Number
Limits the channel to recording a specific inbound number, such as an 800-number carrying traffic to your facility.
Dedicated Record Caller ID
Limits the channel to recording a specific ANI (Caller ID). The associated Assign Val can be a full or partial ANI match (for example, an area code only).
Dedicated Record User (1,2,3,4,5)
Limits the channel to recording based on a specific value placed in one of the first five user fields by the Uptivity API (for example, an account or case number.
Playback and Instant Record
Limits the channel to playback and instant recording requests from the API.
Playback and Record
Limits the channel to scheduled recordings and playback via telephone.
Record and Instant Record
Limits the channel to recording only, but of any recording type.
Identifies a channel which is present (for example, on a physical audio capture card) but is not licensed.

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