Report Subscription Details

Subscription Overview Section

Select a Report
Choose from a drop-down list of reports available for subscriptions. All printable reports can be used with report subscriptions, as well as all published ad hoc reports.
Allows you to enter a description of the report's purpose, content, or both.

The remaining fields in this section appear only if you are editing an existing subscription.

Displays the status of the subscription. This value should always be Active.
Event Type
Displays the type of event that applies to the subscription. This value should always be TimedSubscription.
Created by
Displays the name of the user who created the subscription.
Date Created
Displays the date and time the subscription was first saved.
Modified by
Displays the name of the user who last saved the subscription, even if no changes were made. If the subscription has never been modified, displays the name of the user who created the subscription.
Date Modified
Displays the date and time the subscription was last saved, even if no changes were made.
Last Executed
Displays the date and time the subscription was last executed.
Displays the relative UNC path for the report used in this subscription.
Execution Status
Displays information related to the last time the subscription ran. If a subscription did not run successfully, this field provides information to help troubleshoot the issue. If the subscription has not yet been executed, the field displays New Subscription.

Report Delivery Options Section

Delivered by
Choose either E-Mail or Windows File Share from the drop-down list. The default value is E-Mail. The fields in this section are different depending on the option you choose.

Schedule Processing Options Section

You can from two options for processing the report subscription: On a shared Schedule or When the scheduled report run is complete. The default value is When the scheduled report run is complete. If you select On a shared Schedule, you can select from a drop-down list of available shared schedules (see Shared Schedules). The following sub-sections do not apply.

Begin running this schedule on
Allows you to use a date selector to specify when the report subscription should run for the first time. This field is required.
Stop this schedule on
If you select the checkbox, you can use a date selector to specify when the report subscription should end. If you leave the checkbox cleared, the report subscription will continue to run until it is either manually deleted or edited to contain a value in this field.

Report Parameters Section

The options in this section vary depending on the report associated with the subscription. By default, all report parameters are set to the values you would see if you looked at the report itself. However, you can change the values for purposes of the report subscription by clearing the Use Default checkbox and entering new values.

For more information, see the topic for the specific report in your subscription.

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