Settings Details: inContact Screen Recording Server
inContact Screen Recording is an optional, separately-licensed feature that allows
For more information, see Services Overview.
Screen Recording Server settings are configured on the Screen Capture Settings screen.
Screen Recording Server Web Portal Settings
- Host
- Specifies the IP address or server name of the server hosting Screen Recording .
- Port
- Specifies the communication port used by Screen Recording. The default value is 5633.
- HTTP Port
- Specifies the port used for messaging traffic with Live Info Broker. The default value is 2014.
- Default Temp Location
- Specifies the UNC path location where temporary video files are written. The default value is c:\temp\cc_screencapserver.
- Raise Error on Start Fail
- Determines whether an error level log entry and notification are generated every time the server cannot initiate a recording with a client workstation. The default value is selected.
- SSL Certificate Name
- Specifies the security certificate name if SSL is used.
- SSL Certificate Pass
- Specifies the password for the security certificate if SSL is used.
- Screen Capture Path
- Specifies the UNC path location where screen recordings are stored.
- Location
- Specifies the location with which this Screen Recording server is associated. This setting accepts values from a drop-down list of valid locations.