Add Achievement Types

Required PermissionAllow Manage Achievements

  1. In the inContact WFO Web Portal, click CoachingAchievementsAchievement Types.
  2. Click Add New Achievement Type.
  3. Type a Name for the achievement.
  4. Optional: Type a Description.
  5. Enter a Start Date and, optionally, an End Date for the award period.
  6. Specify whether eligibility for this achievement is by inContact Group or individual agent, and move the eligible groups/agents from the left column to the right.
  7. For the Criteria field, select either Ad Hoc or QA from the drop-down list. If you select Ad Hoc, skip to step 11.
  8. Enter a value in the Number of evaluations field. The default value is 1.
  9. Select an Evaluation form from the drop-down list of forms available for the agent or group you selected previously.
  10. Type a value in Score and specify one of these parameters from the drop-down list: Less Than, Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than or Equal To.
  11. Enter the number of Points to be awarded for the achievement.
  12. Optional: Enter an end Date or Number of days for Points Expiration.
  13. Optional: Click the currently-displayed icon and select a new one from the available icon options, then click OK.
  14. For Post To, select at least one notification method.
  15. Click Save.

See Also