Creating Scorecards
You can use the Balanced Scorecards feature to compute the overall performance score. With scorecards, you define how metrics are weighted in comparison to each other and receive scores that are calculated based on these weights. Scorecards can then be displayed in a number of ways, depending on use and preference.
To create a scorecard:
- In the NICE Uptivity Web Portal, click Performance Management
BI Explorer.
- Click the Scorecard icon (indicated by a graph icon) in the left panel.
- Click the Manage Scorecards icon (indicated by a gear icon), then click the New icon (indicated by a plus sign).
- Click the type of scorecard you want to create from the options provided and click Next.
- Select a Time Period from the drop-down list and click Next.
- Specify the measure you are looking for by typing keywords into the field. Use the Hint button if you're not sure.
- Click the + icon to select a metric
Calculates a measure for the various intervals of time and various roll-up combinations. The formula to create a metric is: a measure plus the keys for “what” and “when.” to include in the scorecard. Only metrics that have keys
Keys provide the "what" and "when" of metrics. matching your earlier selections are presented. Repeat this step until you have selected all metrics you want to include, then click Next.
Avoid selecting recursive or dependent metrics (that is, metrics that refer back to themselves).
- Configure the Metrics, then click Next. For more information, see Scorecard Calculations.
- You can fill out the Worst Case Value (minimum) and Best Case Value (maximum) for the metric. Repeat this step for additional metrics if applicable.
- Enter the Weight (%) of the metric in relation to all metrics included in the scorecard. Repeat this step for additional metrics if applicable. The total weight of all metrics must equal 100%.
- You can use the Position arrows to reorder the Metrics on this screen.
- Configure the Scorecard.
- Enter a Scorecard Name and Description.
- Select Group of Agents or Select Agents depending on the type of scorecard you selected earlier. Use the Hint button if you're not sure. If you do not make any selections, the scorecard values are computed for all agents (agent scorecards) or all groups (group scorecards). You can edit the scorecard later to add agents or groups.
- Ensure the Publish Scorecard checkbox is selected or the scorecard will be created but not published.
- Use the From Date selector to specify beginning of the time period for the scorecard.
- Use the To Date selector to specify the end of the time period for the scorecard. If you do not specify a To Date, the metrics are calculated until you change the period or create a new version of the scorecard. Scorecard version is tied to the applicable time period and displayed in the Scorecard Explorer.
- Click Create Scorecard. No calculations are performed until the scorecard is published.
The time period for a scorecard applies to the period for which metrics are being calculated (for example, last week) and not to the period when the metric calculations are actually performed (for example, today). This distinction may be important when you are back-filling data or redoing historical work.