Legacy Desktop Analytics (Fusion) Log File
Fusion creates log files (FusionLog_yyyy_mm_dd.log) that are useful in troubleshooting. The user being recorded must have access to the directory where the file is located, or logging will not occur. For most versions of Windows, the file is stored in the %appdata%\inContact\Fusion directory.
If you do not want users to have access to the %appdata% or Application Data directories, log files can be written to another location. However, this option can cause possible inconsistency in configuring multiple PCs resulting in problems in recording and software maintenance.
To configure another log file location, perform these steps on the user PC:
- Identify or create an alternate directory.
- Assign the user(s) Full Control for this directory.
- After the Fusion installer has successfully completed, open the NLog.config file located in the directory where you install Fusion.
- Type the alternate path to the directory (for example, filename=D:path_name).
<target name="logfileDebug" xsi:type="File"
fileName="${specialfolder:folder=ApplicationData}\FusionLog_${shortdate}.txt" />
- Confirm that the Fusion.ini file’s Logging
Location setting has the directory path. The Fusion.ini file is located in the directory where you install Fusion. For more information, refer to the INI configuration section relevant to the installation type, listed in the Server Setup Settings.