API Server Commands
The NICE Uptivity API Server can be utilized by any program that can communicate over HTTP using the WebAPI Service. Messages are sent in a simple and descriptive XML format. Results vary based on the parameters and data types of the command. Events are different from API Responses or results. For more information, see API Overview.
Call Handling Functions
Call handling functions are used either to replace CTIAn acronym for Computer Telephony Integration - any technology that allows interactions on both computer(s) and phone(s) to be integrated. integration or to supplement an existing CTI integration. These functions can be used to update the system with call information pertaining to the current statuses of the devices on your phone system.
The following messages follow the normal call flow path as messages from a CTI integration do. This means that the scheduler handles call recording decisions. Because of this, statistics can naturally also be gathered by the system.
In requests with multiple parameters, the order of the parameters in the XML does not matter as long as the values are contained in the appropriate corresponding sections.
Some parameters have specific requirements or limitations when being used. Keep the following notations in mind when choosing parameters:
* = At least one of these parameters is required for the request to be executed.
+ = Parameters can only be used if a device ID has already been associated with an agent.
** = Using angle brackets (< >), some special characters, and symbols may not work correctly. Test all possible characters needed before using this function.
Description | Allows a user to specify that a device has started a new phone call. This information is used to update live displays. |
Required Parameters |
STATIONNAME may be passed as the required item in place of DEVICEID. If DEVICEID is not passed or is passed as a blank value, Uptivity will look up the DEVICEID based on the value from the COMPUTERNAME field. You may also pass the STATIONNAME to override the station mapping that is stored in the database for the DEVICEID. CALLINSTANCE is used to distinguish the calls on the same device at the same time. If a CALLINSTANCE is not provided on CALLSTART, it will default to a blank CALLINSTANCE. |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
When a CALLSTART is sent by DEVICEALIAS, SYS_USER, or CRM_USER, and a matching device is not found, this result is returned: <RESULT> |
Example(s): |
Description | Allows a user to specify that a device has ended a call. This information is used to update System Status and Live Monitoring![]() |
Required Parameters |
DEVICEALIAS, CRM_USER, and SYS_USER may be passed as the required item in place of DEVICEID. If DEVICEID is not passed or is passed as a blank value, Uptivity will look up the DEVICEID based on the value provided. If the call instance is not provided, the call instance of the last call on this device is used. CALLINSTANCE is used to distinguish which call the CALLSTOP is being issued to. If no CALLINSTANCE is provided on CALLSTOP, then the CALLINSTANCE of the last call on the device is used. |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Description |
Allows a user to update information on a device that is currently on a phone call. This information is used to update live displays and reporting. This information will not be used by the call recording schedule because it is assumed that the call is in progress at this point. Prior to this message, a CALLSTART message must be sent. If UPDATE_IF_NOT_RECORDING is set to Y and the device is not in a call, then it will update the last call that was recorded for the given device. If DEVICEID is not present, it will be looked up by either CRM_USER or SYS_USER, whichever is present. If none are present, update will fail and return a RESULTTYPE of API_DEVICE_INVALID. CALLINSTANCE is used to distinguish which call the CALLUPDATE is being issued to. If no CALLINSTANCE is provided on CALLUPDATE then the CALLINSTANCE of the last call on the device is used. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
CALLUPDATE – Post-Recording |
Description | Allows a user to update information about a call that has finished recording. This information is used to update the recording database. This information will not be used by the scheduling or archive systems because it is assumed that the call is completed at this point. By passing a RecordID parameter, it is assumed the call update is for a call post-recording. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Description | Allows a user to start an additional, partial recording for a call that is already being recorded. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
When a callstart is sent by DEVICEALIAS, SYS_USER, or CRM_USER, and no matching device is found, this result is returned <RESULT> |
Example(s): |
Description | Used with RECORDSTART. Allows a user to specify that a phone call on a device has ended. This information is used to update System Status and Live Monitoring screens, as well as stop recording if the device is currently being recorded. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Status Functions
Status functions allow you to receive current information from the system. This information can be used to track system, channel, or phone states and to write custom monitors for the system.
The following messages are informational only and do not affect recording.
Description | Queries the system for a current list of phones/ devices, and the current information associated with the devices. The current status of any device that Uptivity is aware of is kept in memory on the system. This function returns only one instance on a device. For all instances, use DEVICERECORDINGSTATUS. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
RESULT section plus a DEVICE section containing:
Example(s): |
Description | Queries the system for current information pertaining to a specific device or devices. The system prioritizes the call instances based on which one is active or was most recently active. If the device is not currently on a call, the last call it was on will be returned. This function returns ONLY the highest priority (most recently active) instance for a device. For all instances, use DEVICERECORDINGSTATUS. |
Required Parameters |
In addition, you must include only one of the following:
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
RESULT section plus a DEVICE section containing:
Example(s): |
Description | Queries the system for a list of all instances of a device and displays status (that is, recording or recording pause). |
Required Parameters |
In addition, you must include only one of the following:
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
RESULT section plus a DEVICE section containing:
Example(s): |
Description | Queries the system for a system status. Information returned contains data pertaining to the health of the system, disk space, and so forth. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
RESULT section plus additional information tags:
Example(s): |
Description | Queries the system for status of recorded channels. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
A successful call returns a RESULT section with a COUNT of the number of channels, plus a CHANNEL section for each channel on the system containing:
Example(s): |
Description | Queries the system for a list of programmed stations. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
A successful API call returns a RESULT section including a COUNT of number of stations, plus a STATIONS section for each station on the system containing:
Example(s): |
Description | Uptivity can be customized with terminology used in your operating environment (for example, you may refer to an "agent" as a "CSR"). This command queries the system for a list of terminology settings. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
A RESULT section including a COUNT of the number of TERMINOLOGY sections, plus TERMINOLOGY sections for each terminology variable specified in the system with:
Example(s): |
Description |
Queries the system for a list of call recordings matching criteria. Filters are combined as a Boolean AND operation. Depending on which parameters are passed, the number of different parameters passed, and the number of results that match passed parameters, database performance may be impacted. Uptivity's recording capability is designed to function normally during database outages, but proper consideration must be taken when designing call list queries to prevent excessive use of database resources. If both CALLCOUNT and CALLDATESTART/END are queried at the same time, the expected behavior is that CALLCOUNT will limit the query to showing the top N calls within the selected date range. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
RESULT section including all information for all recording records matching the query criteria, listed in descending order by date/ time recorded. |
Example(s): |
Recording Control Functions
Recording control functions allow you to write software that controls when the system should record. The system allows you to start and stop recording at will.
Using these functions, you can create custom triggers in your software to start and stop recording. Potential applications include allowing agents to record harassing callers or recording the part of a call containing credit card verification.
These functions will not cause problems if the device is already being recorded, or is not being recorded. In other words, you do not need to first check the status of a device before sending this message.
Description |
Used to initiate a desktop-screen-capture-only recording session. The recorder assumes there is no audio with this call. This is commonly used with web-based chat applications. Separate instances of screen capture on the same system (for example, for separate chat windows/ sessions) can be started and stopped by matching the SESSIONID with the CHATSTART and CHATSTOP commands in the requests sent. Performing more than three concurrent screen captures on a single system may result in reduced system performance. There are two INI settings that can be used to determine any archive actions. You can set the archive action as well as the keepdays prior to that archive action being executed. These settings are defined in the CTI Core INI. You can override the amount of time set in the INI file for a specific recording by using the CHATUPDATE command's optional parameter, KEEPDAYS for that recording. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
If AGENTID is not provided, Uptivity can look up the agent using KEYNAME and KEYVALUE
Although AGENTID is the parameter in this function, the field used to identify the agent is USERID |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Description | Used to stop a desktop-screen-recording-only recording session. This information is used to update live displays, as well as to stop recording if the device is currently being recorded. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Description | Used to update a desktop-screen-recording-only recording session. This information is used to update live displays and reporting, but will not be used by the scheduling system because it is assumed that the recording is in progress at this point. Prior to this message, a CHATSTART message must be sent. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Description |
Used to start a blackout period for a recording. Only specify one of the following: DEVICEID, DEVICEALIAS, CRM_USER, or SYS_USER. The blackout begins based on when the message is received. While BLACKOUT is based on call instance, AGENTBLACKOUT will blackout all call and screen data for a specific time range for the specified agent. AGENTBLACKOUT is preferred over BLACKOUT, and AGENTBLACKOUT is enabled by default. Either standard or real-time blackouts will occur, depending on your system configuration. For more information, see the Blackouts Overview topic, or contact your system administrator or Uptivity Support. |
Required Parameters |
In addition, you must include only one of the following: |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Description |
Used to stop a blackout period for a recording. Only specify one of the following: DEVICEID, DEVICEALIAS, CRM_USER, or SYS_USER. The blackout stops based on when the message is received. While BLACKOUT is based on call instance, AGENTBLACKOUT will blackout all call and screen data for a specific time range for the specified agent. AGENTBLACKOUT is preferred over BLACKOUT, and AGENTBLACKOUT is enabled by default. Either standard or real-time blackouts will occur, depending on your system configuration. For more information, see the Blackouts Overview topic, or contact your system administrator or Uptivity Support. CALLINSTANCE is used to distinguish which call the blackouts are issued to. If no CALLINSTANCE is provided on BLACKOUTSTART or BLACKOUTSTOP, then the CALLINSTANCE of the last call on the device is used. |
Required Parameters |
In addition, you must include only one of the following: |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
Example(s): |
Import Functions
Import functions allow you to write integration links between your systems and the NICE Uptivity system. Potential applications include writing your own front-end interface to edit certain information contained within Uptivity, or writing automated scripts that update information in the server.
Description |
This function allows you to import users and add, modify, and delete information pertaining to a user. Once a user is added, you may use IMPORTAGENTPHONE to associate phone IDs to the user. This command requires a password to import user account information. USERNAME is the Uptivity username, while CRM_USER is the corresponding username associated with the user in an integrated system. The field USERID is ignored when the action is ADD. Deleting a user will simply change the status flag of the user to deleted and free all phone ID associations (if any) with that user. The actual record will not be removed. This ensures that past records will still identify the correct user in case a phone ID is reused for a new user. MODIFY should only be used to add additional information to the user, or to change the name of the user as long as it is still the same employee. An error will be returned if the USERID does not exist, or if you try to add a new user with the same first and last name as an existing user. Even though an error is returned when you try to add a user with the same first and last name as an existing user, values are not changed. Thus, you can write an automated script that continuously calls ADD and ignore errors. LIST can be used to get a list of all users currently in Uptivity. No additional parameters are needed. The following fields are returned: USERID, USERNAME, EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGENT, STATUS, ADD_TIME, MOD_TIME, SYS_USER, SYS_DOMAIN, EMAIL, CRM_USER, SITE_ID, and PHONES. The value for AGENT can be true (if the Agent checkbox is selected in the user's profile) or false (if the Agent checkbox is cleared). The value for STATUS can be A (if the user is active in the system) or I (if the user is inactive in the system). |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description |
Allows you to control the association of a phone device to an agent. You must pass either the AGENTID or the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME of the agent. The system will first try to use the AGENTID. Passing all three parameters will not cause a problem; however, in this case FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME will be ignored. Deleting a PHONEID has no effect on the agent record itself. Deleting a PHONEID does not remove the call records for that PHONEID. An error will be returned if the AGENTID does not exist, or if you try to add a new phone ID that is already assigned to another agent. Although AGENTID is the parameter in this function, the field used to identify the agent is USERID. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description |
Allows you to add or delete/add station-to-device mappings. Before the new information is added, a delete will be done for entries containing either the DEVICEID or STATIONNAME to guarantee that the new entry is unique. The result will contain the STATIONNAME that was sent from the request; however the DEVICEID that is returned is the value that is actually stored in the database. If an error occurs adding the new entry, the result DEVICEID may be an old value. This design allows for easier troubleshooting. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Export Functions
Description |
EXPORT is a function type unique to the WebAPI. This function allows Uptivity to export recorded media from a call any time after recording has completed. The EXPORT function supports exporting audio only in the following formats: WEBM, MP3, GSM WAV, and WEBM audio only. |
Required Parameters |
The EXPORT function has three required parameters: UNIQUEFIELD, UNIQUEID, and MEDIA_FORMAT. These parameters are used to identify the desired audio file and specify the export format.
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example |
The WebAPI call should be formatted in the following manner: http://ccserveraddress:2012/webAPI.aspx?type=export&requestid=10482345&uniquefield=user2&uniqueid=10121968&media_format=mp3&encrypt=Y&password=test This example URL was constructed from the following components:
Description | MULTIEXPORT is unique to the WebAPI. This function type combines multiple audio files into a ZIP file (post-recording) and exports that file. |
Required Parameters | MULTIEXPORT only uses these values:
Optional Parameters | None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s) |
The MULTIEXPORT call should be formatted in the following manner: http://ccserveraddress:2012/webAPI.aspx?type=multiexport&requestid=10482345&ident=10121967,10121968,10121969&media_format=MP3 This example URL was constructed from the following components:
User, Group, and Role Functions
Description |
Allows you to add a QA Group. Uptivity will attempt to add the new group. The new group's GROUPNAME and the GROUPID are returned as the result. If a group with the same name already exists, the function will still return as normal without modifying any data. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description |
Allows you to add or remove agents and their device assignments to or from QA Groups. You must supply either ADD or DELETE as the ACTION type. You must supply either GROUPNAME or GROUPID, but you do not have to supply both. You must supply either FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME, or AGENTID, but you do not have to supply both. The system will first look to see if you supplied the textual representation of the group name or the agent name and lookup the corresponding IDs for you. In either case the ID is then queried to verify that the correct group and agent entries are found. The DEVICEID can be a PHONEID that is assigned to the agent. Although AGENTID is the parameter in this function, the field used to identify the agent is USERID. The result will include all data including the GROUPID and AGENTID if you did not pass them to the function. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description |
Allows you to add an Uptivity Role. You must supply either ADD or DELETE as the ACTION type. You must supply REQUESTID. Uptivity will attempt to add the new role. ROLENAME and RESULTCODE is returned as the result. If a role with the same name already exists, the function will return as such without modifying any data. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description |
Used to assign a QA Group to a Role. You must supply either ADD or DELETE as the ACTION type. You must supply either ROLEID or ROLENAME, but you do not have to supply both. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description |
Used to assign Roles to Users. You can use any of these to associate user info: USERID, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, SYSTEMUSERNAME, or USERNAME. You must supply either ROLEID or ROLENAME, but you do not have to supply both. |
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description |
Used to modify permissions assigned to a Role. The PERMISSION NAME used in the API expression differs from the way the permission is listed in the Web Portal (see table). For details regarding permissions, see Roles and Permissions Overview. You must supply either ROLEID or ROLENAME, but you do not have to supply both. If ROLENAME is used, the system will look up the associated ROLEID. Permission Names and Web Portal Values
Required Parameters |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |
Description | Prompts Uptivity to export the audio recording to the email address provided. |
Required Parameters |
You must supply values for all parameters. |
Optional Parameters |
None |
Possible Returns |
Possible error returns are:
Example(s): |