Group Audit History Tab

Required security profile permissions: Groups View


Created By
The name of the user who created the profile.
Created Date
The date and time at which the profile was created. It follows the format [M]M/[D]D/YYYY [H]H:MM AM/PM.
Modified By
The name of the user who last modified the profile.
Modified Date
The date and time at which the profile was last modified. It follows the format [M]M/[D]D/YYYY [H]H:MM AM/PM.

Search Tools

Filters the table to only include rows that contain the text you type in the Search field.
Start Date
The first date in the date range you want to view in the table. The start date field is the date picker text box on the left.
End Date
The last date in the date range you want to view in the table. The end date field is the date picker text box on the right.
Filters the table by the selected date range. After you select a time range with the Start Date and End Date fields, the Apply buttons filters the table to only include actions that occurred on the profile during the specified time period.
Changes the default date range of the data in the table to entries within the last month.

Table Columns

Field Changed
The name of the field modified.
Old Value
The value of the field before the modification occurred.
New Value
The value of the field after the modification occurred.
Modified By
The name of the user who made the modification.
The date and time at which the modification occurred. It follows the format [M]M/[D]D/YYYY [H]H:MM AM/PM.